Chapter 7: Don't Die This Time

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A/N: This chapter contains spoilers regarding the motive as its overall the same from the game with small differences, you have been warned! Also, sorry it took me so long to update, I'll try to update more in the future, I was struggling with ideas.

I couldn't help but put my head in my hands at how calm Nagito was. I glanced over at him, dumbfounded that he was merely rubbing his wrists, unfazed by the fact he was just chained. I sigh, "How long did Nekomaru and Akane keep you in here?" He shrugs, "It's hard to tell time with the windows boarded up, since after the trial I think?" I almost choked on my spit, Nagito was chained to the floor. The. Whole. Night.

He smiles regardless, "It wasn't all bad! If this place were more decorated it would be charming. I guess I really am lucky..." I gave him a blank look, unimpressed with his self-depreciating tone. I grab his arm and pull him out of the abandoned building, "Monokuma wanted us to meet on the central island." The shorter nodded and wordlessly followed.

Occasionally he attempted to strike up conversation but that quickly died once he saw my exhausted and irritated expression. When we arrived in the park, Monokuma seemed to be putting on some sort of show. Some others breathed a sigh of relief once the spotted Nagito and I, causing Monokuma to end his spiel. Still the bear seemed to sulk, "Ugh I was just getting to the good part! Ahem, now that everyone is here... it's time for your new motive!"

I suppressed a groan of annoyance watching Monokuma pull out a large briefcase. He opens said case to reveal wads upon wads of cash, "10 BILLION DOLLARS!" No one spares a glance, clearly not taking the bait. By this point the bear was beyond pissed, "Come on people! Look at all this green! These Benjamins? Bucks? Moolah?" He hums, feigning nonchalance, "Hmph! Fine! What about your memories?"

Now, considering none of us could remember anything before this godforsaken island, this piqued our interest. Monokuma did his signature laugh as we whispered among ourselves.

"Our Memories?"

"As if..."

"What's the catch?"

"Upupupupu! No catch! Kidding~ You have to win this game!" He yelled pulling a tarp off of an old arcade style game that, I swear, wasn't there a moment ago. Chiaki seemed to be much more awake at the mention of a game. "That's right! You must win Twilight Syndrome Murder Case! The first person to do so gets this," Monokuma brandishes a plain portfolio, "Some of you might be surprised of its contents~! But, of course, you won't be actually getting all of your memories back. Where's the fun in that?" With that final proclamation, he vanished leaving the remaining 16 of us alone.

"...We shouldn't play it." Hajime spoke up after a silence. Fuyuhiko agreed, albeit backhandedly, "Damn straight, moron." After we all came to a conclusion a battered Monomi appeared before us, "Long time no see!" Sonia gasped, covering her mouth, "What happened to you?!" Monomi lifted her arms, "I managed to defeat one of Monokuma's bots!" I shuddered at the memory of gun fire from when we first arrived.

How had a little stuffed rabbit defeat it when she got pummeled the first time? Additionally, she succeeded without her stick. Or was it a wand? Regardless, Monomi had opened up the new island at the perfect time. Now we could take our minds off of the Motive.

Warily, I made my way over the, now clear, bridge. One of the first things I noticed was a classically designed Diner. I push open the diner to find the Ultimate Cook-- no, Chef arguing with Hajime about how his food was "Better than any greasy fast food" as Fuyuhiko sat in a booth beside a jukebox and watched them argue. I chuckle to myself and leave the two to their dispute.

I travel through the odd tunnel near the diner and emerge onto a secluded area of beach, "Woah... this sure is private...Ack-!" Sand suddenly was thrown into my face. Sputtering to get the sand out of my mouth and vigorously rubbing my eyes I manage to regain my senses enough to see you the culprit was.

What I didn't expect, was to see Akane and Nekomaru looking like they were going to kill each other with Ryota on the sidelines. I tap the animator on the shoulder, "Ryota, what are they fighting about?" "Uh... yeah, no, they aren't fighting. I thought the same thing. Turns out they're just sparring... intensely..."

I sweat dropped, "Right." I backed away from Ryota and entered the beach house where i saw Soda talking to Monomi, "Huh? But if we can't change in here then I won't be able to see Miss Sonia o-or M/n!" "What was that, Soda?" The boy whipped his head around to face me, his eyes widening and his cheeks flushing with color.

I drape my arms around the mechanic, whispering in his ear teasingly, "Why didn't you just tell me you wanted me to strip~? Hm, So~da~" The shorter male bristles at my flirtatious innuendo, "M-M/n wh-what are you saying?!" I chuckle, not elaborating further as Monomi explains the whole rule of no changing in the beach house to avoid any prying eyes.

The flustered beanie-wearing boy stays completely motionless in my arms, he only moved once I had kissed his cheek and left the beach house, and that movement was him fainting. As I reapproached the tunnel, I notice Akane and Nekomaru still sparring, causing me to shake my head at their seemingly endless stamina.

Next, I made my way to a pharmacy where I saw shelves upon shelves of narcotics, "Hey, Mikan," said girl let out a small, startled scream, "Eek! O-Oh M/n, i-it's you..." I rub the nape of my neck, "Sorry for startling you, Mikan, I just had a question." She tilted her head curiously, "Yes?" I gesture around, "So, with all these medications, some are bound to be dangerous, right? Should we worry about potential poisoning?"

Mikan thought for a moment before slowly shaking her head, "No... I don't think so... traditionally medicine like that would be prescribed by a doctor. I think we would only have to worry about overdosage..." I smile gratefully and gently pat her head, "Thanks Mikan." The purple-haired girl fumbled over her words and resulted in a wave as I said goodbye and left the building.

I had found the library and ended up talking with Gundham, Peko and Sonia about serial killers until Chiaki came in and told us that everyone was meeting at the ruins. All of us gathered, looking up at the tall, worn-down building in awe. Chiaki and Hajime approached the entrance and pulled down the rotting vines to reveal a large, high-tech, circular door.

Soda began tinkering with the console in hopes of opening the door. Instead, he triggered a large gun to appear, but luckily prevented it from shooting. A short distance away from the other Ultimates, I had noticed a plaque-like sign likely explaining what the ruins were. Making my way over, the others paid no mind to me.

With some difficulty I had manage to pull the vines obscuring the sign to the side to read the lettering. Though, what it said made my blood run cold. "Guys?" I murmured, yet they kept their attention on the door. I looked at them all, "GUYS!" Some looked over faster than others, concerned by the urgency in my voice. Once they cast their gazes in my direction, I pulled the vines off of the sign so they could see why I was so unnerved.

There, in rusted letters read;


~Mistpouffer~  Danganronpa V2: Goodbye Despair x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now