Chapter 18: Who Can It Be Now?

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3rd Person POV:

Mikan, Fuyuhiko, and M/n all simultaneously looked at the door when there was a knock. Hajime was standing in the open doorway, his eyes vacant yet brimming with emotion. M/n made his way to the door, pausing to rest his hand on Hajime's shoulder sympathetically. M/n squeezed his shoulder comfortingly before letting go and exiting the cabin. They didn't exchange any words and just swapped crime scenes. The other students who were at the other crime scene passed by him with concerned glances.

Soda opened and closed his mouth a few times before ultimately deciding not to do anything and pulling his beanie down to the point where it almost covered his eyes. Sonia almost reached out as well, if not for Mahiru gently grasping her wrist, "He needs his space." The two girls glanced over their shoulders with one final worry-filled look. Gundham himself, though he never thought possible, was worried.

But, to Gundham, M/n wasn't just some mortal to him. He was Palaemon. M/n was on the same level as Tanaka the Forbidden One; The Supreme Overlord of Ice. They were mutuals; companions. Seeing Palaemon fiercely battling his inner demons, a common foe between the two of them, made Gundham's stomach churn uncomfortably. Seeing no other way to express his condolences, Gundham did something he never saw himself doing before. He called his four Dark Devas of Destruction from his plum scarf and brought the white and orange hamster to his mouth to whisper something.

Gundham crouched down so San-D could crawl off his hand safely. The small rodent then scurried off to catch up with M/n. The surfer jolted in surprise as the furball climbed up his leg to rest in the breast-pocket of his shirt. Giving the Deva a faint smile as she got comfortable in his pocket, M/n began walking again. Seeing the spectacle, the Ultimate breeder closed his eyes and crossed his arms proudly at his accomplishment before disappearing into Ryota's cabin.

Mikan and Fuyuhiko exchanged a glance before following the oddly quiet boy, the only noise being the footsteps of the group accompanying the island's natural ambiance. A soft whisper of wind ruffled M/n's hair and clothes as he reached the peak of the bridge to the second island. The surfer suddenly stopped in his tracks as the scenario's weight crashed onto him. A wave of emotion hit him at once, causing him to feel a(n) overwhelming and overbearing feeling of despair. M/n's shoulders shook as he hunched over, his palm muffling his abrupt sobs as tears blurred his vision, rolling down his cheeks.

Why? Why did Ryota have to be killed? He didn't do anything to anyone. M/n just couldn't understand it. Why were people killing? They haven't gotten away with it so far. What's so worth it is that his classmates are practically sentencing themselves to death. Now, a sweet boy was revealed to be dead. Not only that but now there were two bodies. Someone killed and there could be two murderers now. If not, and there really is just one culprit who killed two people, that means someone was desperate. And desperate meant sloppy.

There had to have been a mistake made, and there was hope that it would be found and the deaths would be avenged. They would defeat Monokuma, they will not just lie down and let themselves be killed off. They will stop this horrible killing game; they must.

A sob forced itself from M/n's throat as he covered his eyes with his forearm. He stood still for a long moment, his shoulders bobbing with each of his stuttering inhales. Mikan and Fuyuhiko didn't know how to react. Both were caught off guard by the usually strong surfer showing vulnerability. A foreign emotion flashed over Mikan's eyes as she stepped towards M/n as silent sobs racked his body. The purple-haired girl pulled a few tissues out of her apron pocket for M/n to use.

A tiny hand pressed against his tear-stained cheek. Glancing down, M/n saw San-D with her tiny paw on his face, attempting to comfort him. The small hamster was scooped up and given a little kiss on the head as gratitude. "Gundham sent you to comfort me, huh?"  San-D squeaked, nodding her furry head. M/n sniffed, wiping away his remaining tears and helping the all-powerful Deva back into the safety of his shirt pocket. The three stood in silence as M/n composed himself once more. With a deep breath, the surfer gave Mikan and Fuyuhiko a subtle nod to signify that he was alright now and began walking across the bridge. His sandals scuffing against the wood as he walked towards the diner without the usual pep in his step.

Mikan pushed open the door to the diner for the two boys and almost immediately tumbled over her own two feet.  Fuyuhiko, unfazed at this point, simply stepped around the fallen girl to start investigating. M/n offered his hand to the nurse, but before she could take it, Fuyuhiko pulled the surfer towards the body of Teruteru.

As previously seen, the chef's body was slumped over, his forehead pressed against the table. One of the first things M/n noticed was the puddle of blood staining the wood table. Clutched in Teruteru's hand, strangely enough, was yet another comb. It was in the state of the other piece of plastic found at Ryota's crime scene; broken and scattered.

Teruteru's face was shielded from view since it was not only against the table and covered in blood, but it was severely broken. Someone had repeatedly slammed his head into the table until he died.

A/N: Damn, this really is turning into a Gundham book lol. This is kind of a filler chapter, the next one will be a full investigation.

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