Chapter 8: Through the Blinds

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Hope's Peak Academy, this is it? The prestigious school we were supposed to be attending before this entire killing game, was in front of us, in ruins.  "I-It can't be... that's not Hope's Peak... right?" At this point, we didn't know what to believe. Is it? 

Not even Monokuma caused this much despair. It was dreadful. We had to know what had happened to us, to all the other Ultimates. And, in order to do that, we would have to succumb to Monokuma's motive. Someone had to play the game.

"No. No way!" Mahiru seemed to debunk what everyone was thinking, "We already promised we wouldn't. We can't!" I gently grasp her shoulder, "You're right, Mahiru. Everyone, we can't let this get to us, that's what Monokuma wants." We glanced at each other warily, knowing some were desperate for answers.

Sonia clasps her hands together, "Ooh, what if we host a party? To get our minds off of the motive and all..." Soda nods vigorously, "I agree with Miss Sonia!" Said girl gives him a look which he remains oblivious to, as Hajime subtly tries to tell him to dial it back. Gundham gives the mechanic the side eye as well, "I, too, believe this idea is beneficial." 

"We better have some damn good food or I'm not goin'." Akane shrugged. Teruteru combed through his hair cockily, "Only the best, I assure you. It'll even wow the black lace panties off of Miss Peko and maybe even the boxers off of M/n." I grimaced at the lewd comment, watching various classmates blush, Peko give him a glare, and Mahiru scold the pervy chef. 

"So, its settled, a party. Shall we host it in the party in the building Nagito was in?" I nod to myself in response to Peko's question, "That should work. We could set up today and have the party tomorrow night." Everyone nods, and just as we are about to disperse, Hajime and Chiaki both ask questions. "What is-" "We should-" Hajime cleared his throat, "Ah, you can go first Chiaki." 

The gamer rests a hand over her heart appreciatively, "Thank you Hajime. As I was saying, I wanted to ask if this would be a formal gathering or not. More specifically, what is the 'dress code'?" Sonia latches onto my arm, "Oh, it would be so fun to dress up just for one night! I'm sure we could all find some formal wear." 

I nod in agreement, "Sure, it would be nice to treat ourselves." Everyone else seems to agree as well. Hajime then looked at all of us, "We should assign roles now. That way we can set up as fast as possible." Mahiru puts her hands on her hips, "Good idea, for once." 

The boy furrowed his brows, "Uh... thanks? I think..." Nagito reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a bunch of sticks, covering which one had a red mark on the bottom, "We can draw lots to see who actually has to clean?"

Some looked skeptical at the convenience of Nagito having sticks already prepared, while Hajime added that cleaning up a whole building alone was not ideal. This led to Mahiru assigning roles to people, some lucky enough to not do anything.

With that the roles were as followed: Teruteru cooks, obviously. Akane proclaimed herself as his taste-tester. Ryota sketches out a floor plan for the party. Nekomaru was going to move furniture. Peko was to offer a safety check on the building, so we knew what to steer clear of.  Soda, Mahiru, and Nagito were assigned cleaning, so they would sweep and dust. And I was assigned to overview the cleaning committee, so they were on task. 

Everyone else was free to do as they pleased. Those who weren't setting up went to get their outfits ready for the party. Fortunately, I managed to keep Soda and Nagito on task despite their constant vying for my approval. 

Nekomaru, after setting down yet another table, asked, "M/n, should we do something about this lighting?" I glance around at the lights before nodding. The two of us then headed over to the storage room in the building. 

I pushed my way through the stacked boxes, tripping over a door that would presumably lead under the floorboards. We were looking for something that provided light; a lamp, candle, anything. Eventually I came across a large thing covered with a tarp, "Jackpot."

Lifting what was revealed to be a chandelier, I walked back to the bigger room with Nekomaru behind me, spotting. Mahiru turns hearing our footsteps and her jaw drops seeing me carrying a rather large chandelier by myself, "M/n do you need help?!" which causes the other boys in the room to turn in shock as well. I shake my head, "Nope, I got it." 

She nods skeptically but goes back to cleaning. I tossed rope over one of the vigas and pull, hoisting the chandelier up.  I look around, trying to find something strong and sturdy to hold the rope so the chandelier won't fall. My eyes eventually fall onto the gaps in the floorboards. 

I purse my lips in thought, trying to figure out how I want to do this. By now Nekomaru had left so I had to hold onto the rope as someone went under the floorboards and tied it. I scanned the room for someone to help. Nagito would be too... strange. Likely he would ramble about helping a symbol of hope. Mahiru likely wouldn't want to get dirty. 

So that only leaves Soda. Humming, I called over said boy, "Hey, Soda? Can you do me a favor?" He nods giddily, his hands behind his head, "Of course, M/n, what do you need?" I nod my head toward the rope in my hands, I need you to tie this to the floorboards from beneath them." He tilts his head in confusion, rubbing the nape of his neck. I answer his unspoken question, "There's a trapdoor in the storage room." 

He nods and leaves the room. A while later, I heard shuffling beneath me and see pink eyes looking up at me. Not going to lie, this is not how I pictured Soda beneath me but oh well. Maybe next time. I lower the rope so the mechanic can tie it securely. I let go of the rope and watch the floorboard bend upward under the weight of the chandelier. 

I could only hope that it would hold, and I wouldn't accidentally cause a murder.


A/N:  Another chapter should be released tomorrow! The next chapter will also have a hangout, so I wanted to ask you guys who you want to spend time with. You can request any character (except for Twogami and Ibuki) I will do a hangout for 7 characters, maybe more. But hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.

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