Chapter 3: Killed for Sport

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M/n's POV:

Usami looks at all of us curiously, confusion painting her bunny features, "Why are you all gathered here?" I furrow my brows and Hajime speaks up, "You don't know? Because—" We then hear the voice from the monitor, "I told them to!" Monokuma jumps from behind the statue in the middle of the park. Usami gasps in surprise, "You!" Monokuma just snickers. I share a look with the other battle savvy Ultimates; Akane, Peko, and Nekomaru. The four of us step in front of our classmates protectively.

Everyone watches as Usami attempts to defend us, but she ends up getting horribly beaten. Then Monokuma gives her a diaper and transforms her into Monomi, his little sister. After her magic stick is snapped in half, our teacher is rendered useless. I slide the case off my back, opening it, as Monokuma gives us a speech. "—A Killing Game!" I pause my actions in horror 'A what?'

I heard muttering from the surrounding Ultimates and even Soda crying out, "Are you freaking kidding me?!" Looking over, I see the mechanic hunched over and clutching his beanie with tearful eyes. My face contorts into one of anger, "No fucking way, you dumbass tanuki..." Monokuma ignores my comment, "Kill a classmate! If you get away with it, I'll let you go scot free! That is, if you survive trial~." I grit my teeth as he lists off the ways we could kill. Turning my attention back to the case I got from my cabin.

I take the item out of its case, revealing my deadly sharp spear. Monokuma smirks, "Oh? Is the Ultimate Surfer going to kick off this killing game?" I ready my spear, charging. "M/N!!!" I hear my classmate's call. I ignore them, striking Monokuma. My spear drives all the way through his stuffed stomach. The bear stops moving. I pant heavily, out of breath from exerting myself so suddenly. Akane calling out, "Is that it? Well damn! It sure was easy to get rid of him."

I straighten my back, reaching to pull my spear from Monokuma. As I do so, I am interrupted by the rumble of machinery, as the park statue shakes. I look up, raising my spear in a fighting stance. My confidence wavers when the statue comes to life with the different animals all being giant robot-like things, "S-Shit..." Right then, Monokuma's voice rings out tauntingly, "Violence against the headmaster is prohibited~!" With a click, the robots arm themselves with guns. Massive guns. They start firing mercilessly towards my friends and I, all of us letting out cries of alarm.

3rd Person POV:

After the gunfire subsides, the Ultimates check over themselves for injuries. They hear the clatter of metal hitting pavement, directing their attention to M/n who had just dropped his spear. "B-Big Bro M/n...?" The dancer calls out to the hunched teen. Said male takes a shaky step forward before collapsing. The Ultimates gasp rushing to his aid. Mikan sprints over, pulling out bandages from her pocket in the process. Sonia puts the half-conscious male's head in her lap as the Ultimate Nurse moves the boy onto his back.

The Ultimate Surfer has two shallow bullet holes in his body, one near his shoulder and the other in his thigh. Much less life threatening than if the bullet had hit him directly. Mikan's face hardens, speaking surprisingly authoritatively, "Akane, go to my cabin, grab my medical bag. Fuyuhiko, Peko, both of you apply pressure to control the bleeding. And...." She trails off, trying to find the most stable looking Ultimate to complete the last task.

Her eyes finally fall to the Ultimate Gamer. Her confidence now gone, "Uhm... Chiaki? Talk to him. Have him answer questions. Just, keep M/n awake for a moment." Said girl nods, kneeling down. "She speaks softly, "Hey. Hey, hey. M/n? Why would you do that? You could've gotten killed..." The male chuckles through the pain, "I couldn't do nothing. Is everyone else alright? Did I... protect everyone...?" Chiaki gives the Surfer a gentle smile, "Yeah... you did." The male smiles, his eyes drifting shut. The gamer looks at Mikan, silently asking if he is okay to sleep now, softly smiling once the nurse nods in confirmation

The next day, around dinner, the restaurant is dead silent. A few crying. No one had seen M/n since he was bandaged my Mikan and carried to his cabin by Nekomaru. The only noise was silverware scraping against plates but even that was few as many had lost their appetite. Hearing a click, the Ultimates turned towards the pink haired mechanic who was tinkering with a stick. Hajime asked him what he was doing to which he said, "Oh... this? It's M/n's spear. I... made it so it can just be a walking stick as well, you press this button, and the blade comes out..." The mechanic demonstrates his invention.

The male then lowers his beanie, "I just wanted to do something for him... ya know...?" The other teens nod solemnly. A certain gymnast slams her fists on the table angrily, "Damn! It's my fault! I coulda stopped him!" Nekomaru, who was sitting beside her rests his hand on her shoulder, "He's strong. He'll be back in no time." Akane nods, hanging her head, "I know but... he coulda died..."

"But I didn't." The other ultimates whip around at the gruff, and surprisingly attractive, morning voice of their friend. Hiyoko jumps up, tears streaming down her face at the sight of M/n. The Surfer has his arm wrapped and is leaning against the doorframe. He smiles, "What'd I miss?"

M/n's POV:

As soon as the words left my mouth, I was hugged tightly. Inhaling sharply through my teeth, I carefully hug Hiyoko back as to not aggravate my injuries further. Nekomaru smiles at me similar to that of a proud father, "Welcome back." I nod at him, smiling at everyone. I pause, noticing my spear on the table in front of Souda. My eyes wide, "Soda, is that—?" The boy nods.

He stands up, bringing the spear with him. I furrow my brows in confusion, "Where's the blade?" Soda fiddles nervously, "I uh... I modified your spear... It looks like a normal walking stick right now, originally to help you walk— a-and if you press on the button there—" Soda presses the button, enabling the blade with a metallic glint "The blade appears. If you press the button again it'll close." I stare at the spear in awe, amazed Soda could do this in such a short amount of time.

The Ultimate Mechanic stops, "Ah! If you don't like it, I can change it back—" I chuckle, stopping his rambling. I ruffle his hair, "I love it, Sou!" I grin, slinging my arm around his shoulders. He blushes at the nickname, "S-Sou?!" I nod, turning back to everyone else, "What happened while I was out?" To my surprise, it's Fuyuhiko that answers, "After that damn psycho bear's fucking announcement... everyone went back to their cabins alone. No one wanted to risk being killed."

I nod in understanding. Then, speak of the devil and he shall appear, the bear arrived.

~Mistpouffer~  Danganronpa V2: Goodbye Despair x Male ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя