¹ Call of Duty

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Seoul looked beautifully pale with the freshly bloomed dongbaek, also known as Japanese red camellias in every nook and corner of the city. The sky was overcast with clouds and chilly winds were blowing relentlessly, carrying the pink petals to every doorsteps. Snow drizzles from the sky at regular intervals to embellish the Earth with heavenly appearances.

Jeon Jungkook came out of the washroom after a warm bath. A fresh towel was drapped around his waist while he used another towel to dry his long slicky hair. He jerked away the lengthy hair that fell across his eyes, restricting him from a clear view. The cozy room emitted a warm residual mixture of sweet strawberries and manly vanilla scent.

After blow drying his hair, he took his phone from the bed stand and went through the mail which he had received yesterday night. He rechecked the timing of today's meeting and texted his co worker, Min Yoongi to pick him up on his way as Jungkook's car is in the workshop. Jeon Jungkook is the legal Advisor of 'Heir and Care' firm which has spread its branches in many nations under the effective leadership of Kim Namjoon. Jungkook worked as a junior under the undefeatable criminal lawyer, Kim Seokjin and the latter being amused at Jungkook's professionalism and skills recommanded him to his brother, Namjoon's growing firm, which is now a well established company. Jungkook never failed to raise his bars high everytime they have offered a challenge for him to tackle. During the course of time, he has become their favourite both in and out of the office. The Kim brothers only offered and presented him with the best. They trust him with their life, as to make evident of their words, the brother's biggest asset has been securely protected in Jungkook's hands for two years.

On placing the phone back, his eyes glimpsed at the unused packet of condom on the tabletop and smiled. Halting his mind from pondering over yesterday's events, he moved to open the wardrobe and picked a crisp suit to wear for the official meeting. He then trudged towards the ironing table to look for his white shirt which he had asked to iron in the morning, before going to bath. When his eyes couldn't spot the desired material, he called out to his husband.

"Tae... where is my white shirt ?"

No answer.

" Tae... wasn't I clear when I said no games or fooling around for today?"

Again no answer.

" He is definitely planning something to make me appear late for today's meeting. No, I'm not going to fall for him or his childish tantrums again." Jungkook determinedly said before going in search of his husband, Jeon Taehyung who once used to be Kim Taehyung, the youngest of the aforementioned Kim brothers. ( This was the asset we were talking about earlier )

Jungkook ran, in search of his mischievous husband, to their arts room, living room, balcony, Jungkook's office room, guest room and the only room left to be explored is kitchen. Taehyung never really prefers to go to the kitchen alone so it was a last option for Jungkook to catch Taehyung in there. He often ends up coaxing Jungkook to make something for him but the boy stays with his cook of a husband for camaraderie till he prepares the dish and serves it on the table.

As a final look out, Jungkook jogged to the kitchen, his upper shirtless body has a faint line of sweat even in the wintery weather with all the running and a slight fear of not seeing Taehyung for so long. Jungkook pledged to himself on scolding Taehyung for making him terribly frightened with the other's prolonged silence.

Upon witnessing the capricious scene in the kitchen, an educated, civilized Jeon Jungkook forgot how to pronounce the word, d-e-t-e-r-m-i-n-a-t-i-o-n for a solid one minute. He knew Taehyung is a very rebellious and avengeful person, but he hadn't expected an extreme rebellious act from the younger at this vulnerable moment.

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