155 11 14

TW: Character death, alcohol, violence & themes of rape


Nightmare returned home, dropping his heavy briefcase off on the dining room table. He groaned and flopped down into one of the seats and leaned his head in his hand tiredly. He looked up when he heard Killer walking up to him and sitting down next to him, a couple beers in hand. He offered one to Nightmare, which he took and opened. Killer groaned, already tipsy from having a few beers before he got home.

"You look drunk." Nightmare said.

"I kinda am? Dude, I need so much more to drink right now." Killer said.

"Why? You never drink this much." Nightmare asked.

"The police officer that was all over Ink was at the house. He was asking for you, and asking about Ink and Dream." Killer explained, watching Nightmare's face twist with shock and fear.

"He was here?" Nightmare asked, his eyes wide.

"He wanted you to go down to the police station when you get time. I don't think it was really a suggestion."


"Man, I can't go to prison again."

"You will not. I am a lawyer, I can talk my way out of quite literally anything."

"You sure?"


Killer smiled and held his fifth beer up for Nightmare, who clinked his own against it. Killer drank virtually all the alcohol in the house, or at least the cheap stuff Nightmare allowed him to drink. Whereas Nightmare knew his limits and refused to drink more than he had to. He was fully aware how hard it was to do his job hung over, as well as talking the police out of thinking they did anything.


Nightmare stretched, trying not to stretch his expensive, tailored suit more than necessary. He said goodbye to his toys in the basement, and explained to Killer that he was going to the police station, asking him for luck. Killer wished him the luck he desperately needed and he grabbed his briefcase and left.

He chucked the briefcase on the seat to his right and drove away to the police station. Nightmare calmed his nerves on the way there and talked over the questions he knew would be asked in whatever type of interrogation he was about to go through. He parked and walked into the precinct, immediately getting confused looks from many of the officers around, as there were no suspects for him to be there for, not ones that could afford Nightmare's services anyway. He asked the man at the reception desk for Officer Jakei, and she gave him a knowing look and phoned him.

Cross walked out, shaking Nightmare's hand and greeting him. He was told to keep things quick, and Cross led him into his office, one that he usually shared with Dream. He made sure Nightmare didn't want anything before sitting both of them down and lighting a cigarette.

"So Nightmare, how's business?" Cross asked, as nonchalantly as possible.

"I am not here to talk about work, am I Cross? What do you want?" He asked, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Alright, let's get down to business then." Cross said, his face shifting from casual to angry in less than a second. "Where are Dream and Ink, Nightmare?" He said, making Nightmare laugh.

"Come on. Do you seriously think I am the reason those two went missing? I am truly sorry they are gone, but I have nothing to do with it." Nightmare said as he laughed.

"Listen you motherfucker, I know you have them. I know you and Killer did something to them sand I will not rest until they're back and you two are in fucking prison." Cross growled through his teeth.

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