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TW: Mentions of slight verbal abuse


  They filled out the police report, but nothing was happening. The report was an annoying and gruelling process that Ink hated. Cross eventually had to take over as Ink just could not handle it. It was a mess of tears, screaming, babbling, and blaming everyone in there and then himself. Cross would be insane to not take over the process, to not get Ink out of there before he hurt someone or himself.

  Ink was not happy, and he had every right to feel this way. He spent his time walking around looking for Dream, putting up posters, and ignoring any help or sympathy from random people. Ink wasn't a charity case and refused to be treated as such. He was going to find his friend and he didn't need people already treating him like Dream was dead.

  He now understood what Dream was going through with losing Error. He wouldn't sleep, had to be coerced into eating, and generally couldn't think about anything other than Dream. He was scared. Scared he would never find him. Scared that he may start to get Dream's body parts mailed to him. He knew it wasn't exactly rational to him, the only time anything was sent to him was when they were obviously trying to get to Dream.

  It was Cross’ turn to worry about him, which was not something that he was used to. Ink was independent enough for Cross to never really need to worry but oblivious enough that his helplessness was a concern. But it was a lot worse at the moment for obvious reasons. He had a lot to worry about. His missing partner, his boyfriend, how he was going to keep him fed and well rested, as if he were some small pet that couldn’t take care of himself.

  Cross’ roommates made it impossible for him to move in as they didn’t like Ink. They felt bad for him, but Ink had a reputation of being a freeloader and couldn’t swindle anyone else into letting him crash. Cross was in his right mind enough to realise that Ink was not going to be able to pay to stay in the house. He didn’t have a job, even if he did he was legally not allowed to pay for anything unless his name was on it. He knew the bank would repossess the house. Dream always complained about his mortgage, so Cross knew it was going to become a problem eventually. But it wasn’t his main focus at the moment, Ink was.

  Convincing him to eat, to sleep, to not lay in his bed all day and cry. He understood where he was coming from, but it wasn’t helping anyone to starve himself to death. Or to sleep so little that he can't function. He now understood why Ink had to put pills in Dream’s food, it was much easier to convince him to eat then it was to sleep. Cross may have felt a lot more guilty about it then Ink did, but he did start putting the same sleeping pills into his food. It was an unfortunately necessary side effect of the severe depression and mental issues now plaguing Ink.

  Though Cross unfortunately didn’t have the time or mental capacity to be able to fully deal with him. Between his job responsibilities, trying to search for Dream, and having to deal with his own feelings and issues about his friend being kidnapped. He was not the best person to take care of someone else as he had his own issues and a very demanding job. He tried his best, but between the stress of everything going on he was extremely overwhelmed. Cross tried, he really did. But Ink was frustrating and Cross’ short temper ended in an unfortunate amount of yelling and passive aggression.

  All it did was make Ink even more miserable, and made him yearn even more for Dream. He wanted him back. He wanted the person who loved and cared for him back. He didn’t blame Cross, but he knew they couldn’t keep this up. He didn’t have anyone else, so he was dependent on Cross for everything as much as he hated it. He didn’t like being dependent on people, especially when they yelled at him at least once a week.

  Ink’s pain, his guilt, his suffering, his depressed lack of motivation. It was not doing anything for him, hurting him, destroying him. Nothing was even happening to him, but every day he spent without Dream, not knowing if he was ok was painful. It hurt him, slowly tearing his mind apart, destroying him from the inside out.

  He just could not function without Dream there supporting him and uplifting him with his relentless positivity. He missed it, he missed him. It devastated him that he couldn’t do anything to help him. He hated that all he could do was sit around and let everyone else do everything for him. He wanted to help, but he couldn’t. That’s all he wanted. To help. To bring him home.

850 words
Have a good day/night and I hope you enjoyed :]

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