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TW: Kidnapping & mentions of blood and violence


  Ink picked up Dream’s phone, thanking god for a moment that neither Dream nor the police took it from him. He scrolled through all the phone calls, most of which were from neighbours offering their sympathy about Error going missing. He scrolled and scrolled through over a month's worth of constant calls, hoping to find the slew of missed calls from that day. While he was going through them all Ink heard Cross leave and they wished each other a good day. So he was alone with the phone and a plan, and eventually he found the couple dozen missed calls he remembered making the night he met… them.

  Ink took a large deep breath in to try and calm his nerves. His hands were shaking, his breath was shallow, and his mind was racing with severe anxiety. He decided to just go on while barely managing to calm himself down with his breathing. Ink clicked on the number, the phone ringing and he silently prayed that he would pick up.

  “Hello?” Ink heard from the other side, his entire body freezing when he heard the familiar voice of Killer.

  “H-Hey, Killer. Right?” Ink asked.

  “Yeahhh?” He replied slowly. “Who’s this?”

  “We met a little while ago, my name’s Ink. I stayed at your house for a night a month or two ago.”

  “Oh yeah! Hey, what’s up? Why’re you calling?”

  Ink clenched his teeth when he heard Killer’s tone shift. He felt sick, sick that he was able to talk so casually when he literally kidnapped Ink’s friend. Ink tried to again calm himself down and unclenched his teeth to respond to that bastard.

  “W-well, the friend I was calling got… k-kidnapped.” He said, trying to elicit some sort of response that would incriminate him, though no such change came.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. That must be hard.”

  “Yeah it sucks. Especially because I’m staying at his house.”

  “Ok, yeah. But what does that have to do with me?”

  “I was wondering ifff, maybe I would be able to come over and stay at yours until someone finds him? I think you had some sort of offer to stay, but my memory kinda sucks so I’m not really sure.”

  “Yeah, I think Nightmare offered, I’d have to ask him though. Just give me a sec, ok?”

  “Ok, yeah.”

  Ink dropped the phone into his lap when the line went dead, Killer had muted his side of the phone so that Ink couldn’t hear anything. He sprinted to the living room where Nightmare was enjoying his morning coffee. He jumped when Killer threw the door open and ran over to him with a giddy smile on his face. Nightmare put his phone on the table and leaned in to listen to whatever bullshit he knew was about to come out of Killer’s mouth.

  “Ink called me!” He said, his tone as overwhelmingly happy as his facial expression.

  “He did? Why?” Nightmare asked, his optimism much more cautious than Killer’s.

  “He was wondering if the offer you gave him to stay longer was still open cause Dream’s gone!”

  “Alright, why?”

  “I dunno, I don’t think he really has anywhere to go.”

  “Ok. Don’t you find that suspicious though?”

  “Suspicious how?” Killer asked, sitting down across from him.

  Nightmare crossed his arms and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was both confused and baffled at how someone could be so oblivious.

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