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TW: Kidnapping, violence, & mental torture


  Dream pulled into the driveway of a large house. It was quite over the top and pompous in Dream's opinion. He knocked on the door and was met by Nightmare's familiarly blank face. Nightmare was a lawyer, Dream was a police officer, they kind of knew each other. But Nightmare had never been the type of person that he could ever get along with. They got along because of the nature of their work, but Dream knew he would never be able to spend any time with him outside of work.

  Nightmare was pleasantly surprised that Dream called him, he was not expecting it. Though he was very willing to have him come over. Nightmare welcomed Dream in and led him up to his work office. They both sat down and Dream placed his computer on the desk.

  “So, what brings you here? A case?” Nightmare asked, leaning back in his chair.

  “Oh, no. I’m taking some time off. This is about something personal.” Dream said, dropping his hands into his lap and looking down at them.

  “Something… personal?” Nightmare said, raising his eyebrows.

  Nightmare knew what he was talking about. But, he was confused at why Dream was there, and what he could do for him. He knew that there was no way he could’ve figured out that he was involved. He had never been to the house, and Dream was grieving the loss of his boyfriend. His cognitive skills weren’t exactly at their peak function at the moment.

  Dream opened the computer and input his password. He opened the app with his security camera footage, and it was paused on a very specific frame. Dream turned the computer around and pointed to the man.

  “This man kidnapped my boyfriend.” Dream said, watching Nightmare lean in to get a better look at the man.

  “So? What does this have to do with me?” Nightmare asked, mentally cursing Killer for forgetting about the cameras.

  “Do you recognize him?” Dream asked.

  “Dream. If you are not here to ask me about something legal, you can leave. I have work I need to do and do not have the patience to have my time wasted like this.” Nightmare said, standing up.

  “It’s Killer.” Dream said, freezing Nightmare in his tracks.


  “Killer took my boyfriend.”

  “Dream, listen-”

  “NO. I am not going to sit here and listen to you telling me I’m insane. I know who I’m seeing. I’ve arrested him a few times, especially for things like kidnapping and stalking. It makes sense.”

  Nightmare sighed and sat down, leaning his arms on his desk. He placed one of his hands on Dream's.

  "Listen Dream. I don't think you're insane. I think you're grieving the fact that your boyfriend got kidnapped and is getting tortured. I think you're seeing things that aren't there because you're looking for an explanation. You're just desperate." Nightmare said, a sympathetic look spreading over his face.

  Dream nodded and took Nightmares hand, squeezing it affectionately. Nightmare looked up, and saw Killer creeping the door open and walking over to Dream slowly. Nightmare shook his head at the slowly approaching man. He backed off and slowly backed out of the room, assuming Nightmare had everything under control.

  "Wait... I never said he was getting tortured." Dream said, freezing the other two in their tracks.

  Nightmare sat in shock, his eyes wide and his hand tightening around Dreams. He sputtered, trying to figure out how to answer as he watched the other's expression darken with anger. Nightmare looked behind the man in front of him, watching Killer pick up a heavy object. He pulled his hand away from him and stood up, trying to collect himself.

  "Alright, fine." Nightmare said, rolling his eyes.

  Dream stood up, gritting his teeth and giving him the angriest look anyone had even seen on him. He was reaching into his pocket, Nightmare presuming he had some sort of weapon in there. He looked back at Killer again, watching him pull his arm back as he creeped close to Dream. He gave a small nod and a smirk slid onto his face.

  He watched as Killer took a large last step, the floor creaking below him gaining Dream's attention. He turned around and was immediately met with the object in Killer's hand being hit over his head. He collapsed onto the ground, groaning groggily. Dream pulled his hand out of his pocket, pointing his gun at the men. The men both chuckled, watching Dream waving the gun around while barely managing to stay conscious.

  Killer walked over to him and easily grabbed the gun out of his shaky hand. He smiled, pushing Dreams head to the side to see blood slowly pouring out of a head gash made by the heave object. Killer stood up and smacked Dream in the head again, this time passing out.

  Killer put the heavy object on Nightmare's desk and both men kneeled down over the unconscious man. Killer placed a small kiss on Dream's forehead and picked the man up, flinging him over his shoulder. He walked out of the room, Nightmare following closely behind. They walked downstairs to the basement while talking to each other. Killer was really excited, while Nightmare was much more nervous with the situation. He was a man that lived on a strict schedule and this turn of events had changed their schedule a lot.

  Killer was trying to calm him down through lots of eye rolls and sarcasm. Nightmare was stressed out, but was easily convinced that they just had to roll with it. I mean, they had to, Dream was passed out in their house.

  "Ok, Night? How about you go dump his car if you're gonna be like this." Killer said, rolling his eyes again.

  "Fine. Alright. I'm going, I'm going." Nightmare said, grabbing Dream's keys out of his pocket after a bit of searching.

  He walked away, leaving the house to get rid of the car and call himself down. Killer sighed and walked over to the cell Error was in, his bored face replaced with the familiar psychotic smile. He unlocked it and walked in, dropping Dream onto the ground against the wall.

  "Error~" He said, his voice sing-songy.

  He earned pained and scared whimpers from Error. Killer turned the lights on and kneeled down next to Dream. Error's eyes adjusted to the light, cowering from the man across the room from him. But the second he laid his eyes on his boyfriend slumped over on the wall his demeanour changed. His eyes opened wide in shock and he started struggling against his restraints, ignoring the pain shooting through his body.

  "I thought Nightmare told you not to worry? We've got him, safe and sound." Killer said, picking up Dream's chin and forcing it upwards so Error could see it.

  Error was desperately trying to fight against the restraints holding him down to the chair. He knew he couldn't move even if he managed to get out of the binds, but he knew he needed to save Dream. He was going to do everything he could to stop him from going through what he had to. What he will continue to go through... he doubted they'd stop just because they got Dream.

  Killer smirked, watching him desperately shake and struggle against the binds. He listened to his pained screams as he struggled. He enjoyed it, watching the painful desperation of a man he hated. But he unfortunately had to leave, Dream in hand-or, rather, over shoulder.

  He left the room with Dream, leaving the sounds of struggling behind him in the locked room. He walked down the hallway and opened another room. This one was a lot nicer, less of a cell and more of a bedroom. He layed Dream down in the bed and pulled the covers over him. Killer kissed his forehead lightly and started walking to the door, presumably to try and fix whatever they screwed up by kidnapping him this early.

  Though before he left he remembered something. Killer grabbed a line of chains that were connected to the floor of the room. He found the end of the chains, being met by another metal part, looking like a much larger and much thicker version of handcuffs. He picked it up and walked back over to him. He then sat Dream's limp body up on the bed and closed it around his neck, latching the lock together. Killer slowly lowered him back down onto the bed and gave him another kiss on the forehead before he left, locking the door behind him.

1445 words
Have a good day/night and I hope you enjoyed :)

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