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TW: Creepy shit, mentions of blood & disfigurement


  Ink walked into Dream’s room and sat on his bed. He gently tried to wake him up, I mean he had slept through lunch and Ink was worried about him. Dream hadn’t slept through meals like this in years, not since he was a teenager and dealing with a lot of mental health issues. Ink was pretty sure he was skipping his meds too, which he also hadn’t done since he was a teenager.

  Dream tried to shove him off the bed, not wanting to wake up or do anything. I mean, what’s the point of doing anything without Error? Ink persisted, Dream instead turned around, very annoyed at his friend.

  “Hey Dream, why’s there a letter with your name on it? Did you write yourself a letter?” Ink asked, his tone becoming more confused than compassionate as he picked up the letter.

  Dream’s eyes shot open and he jumped up in his bed, grabbing the letter. He ripped open the envelope and yanked the letter out, the flash drive falling out alongside it. He read the letter and his eyes managed to grow wider, if that was even possible. He dropped his hands, still clinging onto the paper and stared at Ink. Ink had picked up the usb drive and was examining it.

  “Get my computer Ink.” Dream ordered.

  Ink stood up and dropped the usb drive onto Dream’s lap. He grabbed the closed laptop off his desk and brought it over to Dream, sitting back down on the bed. Dream grabbed it hastily and opened and unlocked it. He shoved the usb drive into the computer’s port and accepted the notification that popped up on his screen.

  A window popped up with the singular video file on the usb. Dream looked over at Ink who was peeking over to see the screen. He looked back at the screen and slowly clicked on the video, it automatically playing. He gasped, his hand flying over his mouth.

  He stared at Error's shaking body, watching fight against the restraints tying him to the chair he was sitting on. He looked him up and down, trying to see where the blood covering his clothes was coming from. He saw the bloody bandages wrapping his hands, virtually holding them together. He saw the blood coating his chin, obviously from when they cut out his tongue.

  The camera moved down, giving Dream a full picture of Error's body. He again gasped when he saw how screwed up Error's legs were. He couldn't see exactly, but they were bending in ways they shouldn't have been able to. They were bent outwards, halfway through his thighs they changed directions and we're pulled out even more. Dream cringed at the bloodied up clothes and the obviously broken legs. Though he thought that the pole stabbed through his legs was part of the chair. He didn't recognize that it was inside Errors legs. He didn’t recognize that it was the thing making his bones go weird, unnatural, and extremely painful directions.

  Dream cringed at the bloodied man, trying to figure out just how injured he was. Though he couldn’t find any other injuries than his hands, legs, and mouth. Dream instead directed his attention to Error’s struggling, watching him move, watching him being… well… alive. He watched as his chest got bigger and smaller with his heavy and panicked breathing.

  Dream gritted his teeth and looked up at Ink’s shocked and concerned expression. Ink returned his look and he took the computer away from Dream. He was scared that Dream would throw it or break it or hurt himself. Though he didn’t explode, the anger never came. Dream instead just continued to stare at Ink. He sighed, trying to swallow his nervousness and placed his hand on Dream’s.

  “Dream. A day or two ago, right before you went to sleep you said you recognized the man in the footage. The man who took Error. Do you remember who he was?” Ink asked.

  Dream grabbed Ink’s hand in turn and squeezed it tightly. He quickly started to rack his brain to try and remember anything like that. Though he unfortunately had no memory of saying anything even remotely like that. He nodded and Ink sighed, taking the computer away from Dream and placing it in his lap. Ink opened it and put in the password, immediately pausing the video and closing the window. He opened the application that he recognized as the security cameras.

  He clicked through, easily finding the small clip that Dream played on repeat. He turned the computer around and Dream leaned into it, subconsciously squinting as if it would help him see better. He watched the video, trying not to cry every time he saw Error getting kidnapped literally on top of him as he slept.

  Though he was forced to keep watching it. To keep clicking back and rewatch it. Ink said he said that he recognized him, so he was confident that he would recognize him again.

  "I'll get some lunch, ok?" Ink asked, earning only a nod in return.

  Ink walked away and Dream just stared at the low quality, barely seen man. He had played it so many times that if he tried he could probably tell people what happened the second it happened without even looking at it. He felt the familiar determination to find Error flow through him again. He was going to figure it out, and he was going to save the man he loved.

  Ink walked back in with two plates of sandwiches, this time Dream's not having any medicine in it. He placed them down on the bedside table, not even being noticed be Dream as he wandered into the bathroom. He pulled out his stickey notes, flipping through to the one that talked about Dreams meds. Not the sleeping pills, but his antidepressents. He eventually found it and pulled out the amount that was on the small colourful paper.

  He walked out, this time sitting on the bed next to Dream. He actually managed to gain Dream's attention this time, though he was not acknowledged. Ink held out his hand to his friend, his meds in his palm.

  "You need to take your meds Dream." Ink said, getting an annoyed look in return. "Don't give me that look."

  Dream rolled his eyes and grabbed his meds. He swallowed them down without even bothering to care about water. He quickly returned his attention to the screen. He was getting more annoyed the longer he watched. It was on the tip of his tongue, he was so close to knowing who the fuck this was.

  Ink placed a hand on Dream's shoulder, gaining his attention. He help out the plate of food in hopes Dream would just eat without a fuss. Though much to his dismay he just returned his attention to the computer.

  "Dream, if you take a break it could help?" Ink said.

  Dream sighed and closed the computer, chucking it to the side of him. He took the plate out of his hands and scarfed down the sandwich. Ink was surprised when the entire thing was gone in less than 5 minutes. He on the other hand took his time and watched Dream go back to the footage.

  But he stopped when he saw Dream's eyes go wide and heard him gasp. Ink put the plate down and waited for Dream to do anything, to say anything. But he slowly looked up at Ink and stared into his eyes in shock.

  "I-I… I do know who that is…" Dream mumbled, Ink's gaze growing even more expecting then it was before.

  "Who is it?" Ink asked.

  "I… I need to go." Dream said, standing up and shoving Ink out of the way.

  He walked over to his closet and started to change, not minding the fact that Ink was in the room. It wasn't the first time Ink saw him naked. Though this time he was actually telling him to stop. I mean, Dream knew that Ink always enjoyed looking at him, so it wasn't a surprise to him when he was telling him to stop while he was half naked. Though he knew it was because he wanted an explanation, not because he wanted to look at Dream a little longer.

  But Ink let him continue to change, his resistance eventually getting more and more quiet. He instead spent his time staring at Dream while he changed, blush coating his face.

  Though eventually Dream finished and rushed out of the room before Ink could pull himself out of whatever state he was in staring at him. He rushed past Cross resting on the couch and straight into his car. He pulled out his phone and called someone as he pulled out of the driveway. He knew who it was. He knew where he was going. He knew who he was going to beat the crap out of.

1501 words
Have a good day/night and I hope you enjoyed :)

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