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"Niki!? What are up to?" Sunoo questioned as he hid Alicia behind his back.

Glad that its Niki, not Jay or heesung.

Niki just stared at his hyung waiting for him to answer his question.

"uh ... you know, just showing my friend around,shes from the neighboring city. Now if you can excuse us, we have more stalls to explore." Sunoo said as he grabbed onto Alicia and tried to rush past his brother.

"Hold up,you may be older but please show some manners. Introduce me to her." Niki said with a smile.

Oh fiddle sticks.

"She is not really feeling well." Sunoo leaned towards Nikis ear and whispered. "She has this rare virus that requires her to wear a veil and gloves. Its quite contagious as i too,am taking a risk. Its messes up her ability to talk properly so please understand."

Sunoo hates fibbing to his brothers.

But he got no choice.

"Oh is that so? Well can atleast know her name?" Niki kept on insisting to know the girl.

When is he leaving already?


Sunoo drastically turned around. Alicia said that.

"Im Nana, nice to meet you Niki. Mind me." Alicia spoke in a low yet sweet tone.

"Oh you are nana?! Thats a very common name for such a ..."He tried seeing through the veil from all angles but no luck.

"We are going to be late, please excuse us dear brother." Sunoo rushed away with Alicia in his hand.

"he is kinda cute."Alicia giggled.

Sunoo gagged at the thought of Niki being considered cute by his friend.


"How cute?"

"Why would you want to know? Anyways where are we rushing to."

"Argh. Just you wait and prepare those small legs of yours for a run."


He ran like his life depended on it,with Alicia linked in his hand.

The wind rushing through his hair,cheerful people all around brought a euphoruc feeling in Sunoo. He felt so free like a bird.

On the other hand,Alicia is having a hard time breathing. She is wheezing for possible air to fill in her lungs. The dress made things more horrible.

We finally came across a big oak tree. It was gigantic. Alicia collapsed next to Sunoo, trying to catch her breath.

Sunoo took notice and came to Alicias service.

"What is wrong? Are you hurt? Are you sick?"

She held her hand up as she was still huffing
for air,signaling Sunoo to give her a moment.

"Im...trying...to...breathe....stupid.."Alicia replied finally.

"Ah sorry for making you run all of a sudden and with that thick big dress of yours but i really want you to bear with me a little more."Sunoo tried comforting her as he lifted her up.

"Ill climb first,okay." Sunoo patted Alicia.

He indeed climbed and stood on the thickest branch. He let out his hand in order to haul her up.

It sure was struggle but he managed to overcome it.

"So why did we run a kilometre and climb an obstacle of a tree to do what?" Alicia asked annoyed.

"Look." Sunoo pointed at the view infront of them, the view of Byeol Kingdom. You can see the elderly couple walking through the streets being poured with flower petals. The music was on full blast and people were crowded in the streets,having a blast. It was a sight to die for.


You could clearly see Sunoos family rejoicing in the distance.

Alicia was so in awe that she almost lost her balance.

Isnt she the cute clumsy clutz.

What am i thinking, Sunoo? Get yourself in one piece,i cant fall for her.

"Damn, i got to say that Sunoo, youve got really handsome brothers. Whose that one who is standing soo firm as if he will die if he dared moved?" Alicia pointed out.


"Thats snob is Sunghoon. Glance away dear." Scoffed Sunoo.

"Well he is just my cup of tea. Snobbish or not."

"Ah eww gag,that almost destroyed my mood. Can we talk about something else like my smooth cute baby face of mine?" Sunoo battered his eyes and he did a aegyo pose.

Alicia giggled and snorted.

That was the cutest thing Sunoo has ever heard.

"You are indeed a cutie patootie but nah you are forcing it right now." She smacked his arm.

We enjoyed the festival and had a chat until it was time for Alicia to head back. We headed back and Sunoo called Kai to take her back.

"Did yall kiss or what?" Kai teased us like as usual.

"Will you cut it out with your single dry ashy ass!?"Alicia snapped.

That sure made him shut his trap

"It was a well spent night. Thank you for your company Alicia,it was the highlight of my night really. Such an honor that i will forever cherish this moment."Sunoo kissed the back of Alicias hand and bowed.

In she went into the carriage and disappeared into the distance.

Just wish we did 'something' tonight.

What are these trusive thoughts?


Here goes another story, just flew by your precious eyes. What a bummer that it is already over. Patient now while i construct another one^^♡

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