36. Azure Mystic Art

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"Young master, you look dashing in that outfit." She commented and winked at him. Lores' face flushed red with embarrassment. He could only smile awkwardly.

"Is this a brothel or a business enterprise?"

The Maids here were bold and unrestrained compared to the ones in the palace who never failed to keep the red tape.

Just then, a good-looking middle-aged woman graced the room with her appearance. She was wearing clean clothes, make-up and a calm smile. The complicated mandarin duck embroidery ornamented on her sky blue dress already transmitted her mistressship of the firm. In addition, an air of overconfidence surrounded her. Immediately she stepped in, the steward curtseyed her and left.

Lores stood up and bowed a little. He wanted to speak but she did before him.

"Young master, may I know who you seek in Azure Mystic Art?"

"Joanne Keslin." The woman's face soured a little when she heard the name. She paced twice with her chin up, her face displaying a cocky smile.

"You mean the girl brought from the street? She was recommended here by a benevolent patron. Are you her fiance?" Lores' bright expression slowly receded. He never expected to still meet the damn status-difference predicament here. Although the workers of the firm had no aristocratic origin, they were considered a little above the common folks due to their sponsors and prestige of Azure Mystic Art. Working in the firm was a dream come true for many girls.

"Madam, why do you care so much about one girl? Are all the girls here from noble families?"

"No. But at least, they were not picked from the street. I've been lenient enough to keep her little secret so that she won't sully the reputation of this great firm."

Lores imagined the difficult life Joanne must've been been living here. He started having mixed emotions. Ever since he had been exchanging letters with her, she never mentioned it for once. But before he blamed himself, he would love to place this disgusting woman where she belongs.

He took out a token from his chest and showed it to the woman. Her cocky look decreased to a slightly mortified one. The least she expected Lores to be was a government official. Lores was pleased to see her look then he spoke proudly.

"I'm a special aide of the third prince and an important staff of Snowfall Palace. From your look, I'm sure you've not yet had the honor to see his highness in person. The lady in question who you have been mistreating was actually recommended by his highness but in low-key. If I report you to his highness, it won't cost anything to remove you from that pinnacle you feel you're sitting on." Lores had an indifferent smile on his face while she stared at him with panic.

"Imagine how it feels if you become a once-a-mistress-now-a-servant subject. How will you face these maids?" Lores said, pointing outside. The mistress forced a friendly smile and curtseyed appropriately.

"I didn't know you were a government official. I was being rude earlier. Please show mercy to this lowly one." She curtseyed with her head bowed. Lores stared at her for a while and sighed after.

"Where's she?"

"She'll be here with you soon." She answered and left with shame.

Shortly after, a lady dressed in a neat pink gown came to meet Lores. They stared at each with their mouths loosely hanging open. They almost couldn't recognize themselves. Joanne's silver hair was neatly combed and it cascaded beneath her hip. Rouge was even smeared on her face, her lips red. She was looking transformed and stunning. Lores himself looked transformed too! His pigtails stretched to his front, his raven hair combed and cascading downwards. His tanned face lustred like monolith.

Harbinger Of Doom: The Attainer Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora