3: Snobby Rich Bastards and A Pesky Fire Dragon

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"NO! Ma'am!" Natsu and Happy were quick to get on their knees before the ice dragon and started pleading with her.

"Please! Don't do this!" Natsu cried out. It was comical to watch the fire dragon plead not to get kicked off the mission.

"Aye! You can slap me with a fish!" Happy said.

"What a bunch of idiots." Lucy muttered.

"Tell me about it." Morana sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Get off the ground and get moving. The faster we get this mission done, the quicker I can get home."

"Yes Ma'am!" Natsu and Happy jumped to their feets with bright smiles.

Not long after Natsu and Happy were hiding behind several trees as Lucy waited by the front gate. Morana on the other hand was sneaking around the perimeter looking for a way in. Lucy and Natsu were the distraction, while she went in to find more about who this Duke Everlue guy was. That name sounded familiar to her for several reasons.

Creeping along the back wall, Morana saw no way in. Grumbling under her breath as she bit her lip. She could easily burst in and cause a ruckus but she wanted to be lowkey. If Lucy's distraction fails, then she couldn't be caught.

"I hate doing this..." She whines as she pressed the palm of her hand against the wall. Looking around to make sure the coast is clear she takes a deep breath. "Chaos Dragon Decay." She whispers. Slowly the wall started to turn a dark gray color as it slowly disintegrated. It took a lot of mental concentration to focus on how much the decay would spread. Almost always it would suck her magic energy clean and she would be forced to use this dragon slayer magic. One that she hated with a passion, but couldn't do anything about it.

Taking a step back as she felt light headed and dizzy. Her breath was surely taken away as she looked at the decent size hole in the wall. It was big enough for her to slip through. Shaking her head to regain her bearings she squeezed on through. The mansion was huge and anyone could easily get lost. There was so much useless junk lying around it confused Morana if she was even in the right place.

"This is certainly strange...but...then again it only proves who I'm up against. Here I thought I was finally done with those people..." She whispered to herself as she looked around. The mansion looked empty as she quietly searched the place. Every room she went into had junk or the most bizarre thing she had ever seen. The next was always stranger than the last.

Then she found herself in an office-like room. It wasn't the library, but it was something. Walking in further she saw bookshelves in the walls as a giant desk was right in the middle of the room. She got to the desk when the room shook. Fear crippled her as she glanced at the door she came out of. With her dragon hearing she could hear Natsu.

"That damn pyro, he doesn't know how to be quiet...I swear if I ever meet Igneel I'm going to chew him out for not teaching that lunatic some manners and common sense." Morana mumbled quietly as she slipped behind the desk and started looking through it. At first she couldn't find anything, but found a secret department hidden underneath the desk. Getting inside of it was easy as she simply touched it and it disintegrated to ash. Inside she found a large file, well multiple files of contracts and dealings. She was quick to look through it and the more she read the more she knew who they were stealing from.

"Duke Everlue...that perverted bastard...Why didn't I think twice about this mission?" She grumbled annoyed as she looked through the paperworks. "Right because of that pyro idiot..What?!" She paused as she saw her name on a contract. Reading it made her anger boil within her. It was a contract from long ago, before she ever joined Fairy Tail. Gritting her jaw she was quick to disintegrate the contract and anything else that had her name on it. She wanted to wipe her past existence off the face of the earth.

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