4. Hyung(?)

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"Go and find yourself a seat, kitten" Kim whispered near Jungkook's ears.
Jungkook could feel the smirk against his skin.

Kim walked past him and went deeper into the jet. Jungkook couldn't help but let out choked sigh as soon as that dark aura faded away from his vicinity. He looked at the departing figure which soon disappeared behind a white door which was probably led to a private small cabin.

"He's rolling in money..." That was Jungkook's conclusion after he considered the interior of the jet.

Every ornament screamed opulence, be it freshly light blue leather-coated, cushioned seats or the premium quality utensils kept perfectly aligned on each table. Even the walls looked like made-of-shimmering pearls.

Jungkook mouth was slightly open. He was still standing beside the door of the jet which was now locked, providing him with zero expectation to escape.

" Sir-?" A female voice called from behind him making him flinch so hard that even the hostess got scared.

" Sir, are you okay?" She asked, her voice laced with concern.

" Yes-umm.. s-sorry" Jungkook turned around while taking deep breaths, to calm down his rapid heartbeats. He tried to give a reassuring smile but failed miserably as it only came out as an awkward smirk.

" Oh, it's fine. Sir, you should take your seat, we are going to take off in a minute" She gave her memorized perfect smile.

" Oh yeah...sure..." Jungkook nodded. Then turned back again to look at those elegant seats.

There were a total of eight seats of which six were filled. Jungkook could only recognize that 'Park' guy who was talking with one of the other guys who was sitting in front of him in another seat.

Jungkook slowly trudged towards the two empty seats at the farthest corner. As he passed by different seats, everyone looked at him making him feel self-conscious as he tried not to make contact with anyone of them. He felt like an out-cast or rather more like a deer passing through a tiger's territory.

Jungkook knew they were criminals, and that too a very dangerous one because no ordinary criminal has the guts to blast an entire prison and escape and also kidnap a police officer on duty. He also knew that Kim was the most dangerous of them all and if he wants to make it out alive, he would have to calculate his each move carefully.

After walking for a mere distance, Jungkook felt like he had just run a marathon because he felt so hot. He contemplated sitting on the seat which looked so appealing right now. He was so exhausted with all the draining adrenaline.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Jet 69B. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately two minutes. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays be in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Mountain Airlines. Enjoy your flight."

Hearing the announcement, Jungkook body automatically flumped onto the seat.
An airy moan left his mouth unintentionally as his body sunk into the soft leather chair. He quickly covered his mouth in embarrassment hoping that no one had heard him. He started fumbling with his seatbelt trying to secure it around his waist. After struggling for a minute he finally got it locked and leaned back in satisfaction. He closed his eyes trying to relax for a minute and think clearly.

'What am I going to do now?' The question popped in his head. Jungkook didn't know how to answer that question. He tried to think of every possible way of escaping but that warning was still ringing like a warning alarm in his head.

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