Love And Guilt

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"It would appear she, along with many others, are flocking to Yaoyorozu in the hopes of ether intercepting you there, or using the explosives themselves" Nezu explained.


Izuku's double, slammed his face into the desk at the news.

"Also, it would appear that several other students are headed towards where you transformed into a dragon" Nezu continued and his ear twitched as he heard the metal armrest of Izuku's chair, groan as he crumpled it in his hand like tissue paper. This time he couldn't tell if it was the news or Nejire that caused the reaction though.

"Look on the bright side Midoriya! Most of the girls are now congregating in two places. That should make it easier to manage and...attend to them, without having to run all over the school! Especially with the quirks you've cultivated so far!" Nezu said cheerfully.

Izuku's double twitched a little as he fought to communicate while the more primitive part of his brain, was busy with his real body.

"Not...helping...Sansei..." Izuku grunted out as his fingers dug into the desk. He knew Nezu was right, but it didn't ease his worries in the slightest. It was true that he'd acquired plenty of quirks that would allow him the circumvent and isolate the girls, but he still didn't have much practice with them and Izuku had seen just how dangerous it could be if the girls thought they couldn't catch him.

Not much more communication occurred after that, as Izuku just sat there and tried not to make any noise as his real body went at it with Nejire.

Eventually though, Izuku's double moan and went limp for a while, before pushing himself back up.

"...where in the main building is she?..." the double asked as he shook his head.

"She's currently headed towards the gymnasium. I'll keep you informed after you arrive though" Nezu replied as he handed over a new earbud radio.

Izuku took it with a tired sigh, only to jolt a little as they heard feet beating against the floor outside.



Izuku jumped from his chair as Hatsume and Ryukyu barged in. Somehow running in spite of their oversized bellies.

"I knew I smelled you here..." Ryukyu growled dangerously as the two girls grabbed Izuku by his shoulders.

"You gave that insane dragon quirk to my baby!?" she demanded with dread.

Hatsume had a more furious then scared expression though, as she gripped Izuku tightly.

"Why Is rabbit girl bigger then me! Ochako may be the Queen of this harem, BUT I'M THE BABYMAKER!" Hatsume yelled as both girls shook the double in their grasp.

"You hear me Midoriya!? You're going to use that quirk of yours to put me back on top of this totem-pole RIGHT NOW! Even if I have to induce labor, I'm taking back my crown!" Hatsume screamed in Izuku's face as she reach up to yank off her medical gown. Fully intending to get take him right here and now, and beat Mirko by any means necessary.

Fortunately for Izuku, a pair of earphone jacks rapped around Hatsume while Ochako floated behind her and put the girl in a headlock, while Recovery Girl got in front and pushed the now floating and struggling girl out.

"Damn it, Hatsume! This kind of stress can't be good for the babies!" Jiro yelled at the girl, as she worked with Ochako to wrangle her back.

Ryukyu groaned before giving a sigh and deciding to help out before collapsing onto a gurney later. She had only just arrived with Thirteen and seeing the other girls, on top of Thirteen's explanation of Izuku's quirk, had proven to be quite the shock to her already tired and hormone flooded brain.

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