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As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Lyra slowly stirred from her slumber. She opened her eyes to find herself still nestled in Rhadmanthus's arms, their bodies intertwined in a peaceful embrace. A contented smile played on her lips as she realized she was not alone.

Rhadmanthus, sensing her awakening, stirred as well, his eyes meeting hers with a gentle warmth. "Good morning, my love," he whispered, his voice carrying a mixture of tenderness and determination.

"Good morning," Lyra replied, her voice filled with a soft affection. She savored the intimate moment, feeling a renewed strength and purpose coursing through her veins. Today was the day they would open the portal and embark on their journey back to her homeland.

After their heartfelt exchange of gratitude, Lyra and Rhadmanthus reluctantly broke their embrace, knowing that their duties called them in different directions. Rhadmanthus turned to leave, his footsteps echoing softly in the chamber.

But before he took another step, he paused, his gaze filled with a mixture of longing and affection. Unable to resist the magnetic pull between them, he turned back to face Lyra, closing the distance between them once again.

With tenderness and reverence, he gently cupped her face in his hands, his touch as delicate as a whisper. Their eyes locked, and time seemed to stand still, the world fading away, leaving only the two of them.

In that intimate moment, Rhadmanthus leaned in, his lips meeting Lyra's in a lingering kiss. It was a kiss filled with unspoken promises, a silent pledge of devotion that transcended words.

Their lips moved together, soft and sweet, as if savoring the taste of their connection. It was a kiss that spoke of love, tenderness, and the bittersweet knowledge that their paths would momentarily diverge.

As the kiss deepened, their hearts beat in unison, their souls entwined in an exquisite dance of affection. They poured their emotions into the kiss, knowing that this shared moment would carry them through the challenges that awaited.

Eventually, they pulled away, their foreheads touching, their breaths intermingling. Their eyes spoke volumes, conveying a profound understanding and a promise to reunite once their individual tasks were fulfilled.

"I will hold this moment close to my heart," Rhadmanthus whispered, his voice filled with a tender yearning. "Until we meet again."

Lyra smiled, her eyes shimmering with affection. "I will eagerly await that day," she replied, her voice filled with the same longing.

With one final lingering touch, Rhadmanthus released his hold on Lyra's face and took a step back, his gaze fixed on her as he slowly turned to continue his path toward his own chambers.

And as they separated, the memory of their shared kiss remained etched in their hearts, a beacon of hope that would guide them through the challenges that lay ahead.

With focused intent, she moved to the mirror, her reflection gazing back at her with fiery resolve. Taking hold of her long locks, she skillfully wove her hair into a warrior's braid. Lyra's armor was a striking blend of rugged leather and sturdy metal adornments, fusing durability with a touch of rustic charm. Crafted by skilled artisans, it reflected her warrior spirit and practicality, while also bearing hints of her homeland's cultural aesthetics.

The core of her armor consisted of thick leather, expertly tailored to fit her form. It provided flexibility and ease of movement, allowing her to swiftly engage in combat without hindrance. The leather, treated and reinforced, offered substantial protection against slashes and strikes, serving as a second skin in the heat of battle.

The King's Gilded Warrior || Wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now