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Pierce walked over to the unknown woman and looked down at her injured form; he wondered how she had managed to breach the Palace gates. But that didn't matter as he noticed the blood seeping from her stomach, a stark contrast against her pale brown skin. Pierce's concern deepened as he knelt beside her, his gruff voice carrying a hint of worry.

"By the spirits, what has happened to you?" Pierce muttered, his voice filled with genuine concern. With great care, he gently cradled the woman's limp form in his powerful arms, mindful of her still-bleeding wound. Determined to help her, he swiftly carried her through the dimly lit corridors of the Palace, guided by his instinct to seek aid.

As they navigated the grand halls and intricate passageways, darkness had fallen, casting an air of mystery over the surroundings. The usually bustling Palace was now hushed, with only the soft glow of lanterns lighting their path. The moonlight peeked through stained glass windows, casting ethereal patterns on the marble floors.

Finally, they arrived at the healer's quarters, where a wise and compassionate figure awaited their arrival. The room, illuminated by the gentle flicker of candlelight, exuded a sense of tranquility despite the urgency of the situation. Shelves lined with healing herbs and ancient tomes created an atmosphere of knowledge and healing.

The healer, Flora, entered the room with a grace that matched her slender frame. Her flowing robes, adorned with symbols of healing, billowed around her as she moved. Her bright gold eyes shimmered with an otherworldly intensity, reflecting a deep well of compassion and wisdom. Under her eyes, delicate Fae markings in intricate patterns glowed softly, a testament to her connection with the mystical realm.

Flora possessed an innate vibrancy that matched her physical beauty. Her smile was warm and comforting, instantly putting those in her presence at ease. Her gentle voice carried a melodic quality, like the whisper of wind through a tranquil forest. It was in her presence that hope and serenity seemed to bloom, her vibrant character emanating an aura of kindness and understanding.

Flora's delicate hands paused mid-movement, a flicker of surprise crossing her face as she surveyed the wounded woman lying before her. Her eyes widened ever so slightly, her golden gaze flickering with curiosity and intrigue. The woman's appearance seemed strangely out of place within the Palace walls, a stark contrast to the Fae and Orc inhabitants who usually sought Flora's aid.

"Pierce," Flora began, her voice tinged with astonishment, "who is this woman? She appears different from anyone I have ever seen. Her features... they don't resemble those of the Fae or Orcs."

Pierce, observing Flora's reaction, shifted uncomfortably, acutely aware of the woman's unique appearance. "I found her just beyond the Palace gates, injured and in dire need of help. I don't know who she is or where she came from, but I couldn't leave her there to suffer."

Flora's gaze softened, her curiosity tempered by her deep compassion. "I see. It matters not where she comes from or what she looks like. Every soul in need deserves our care and healing. We will do everything we can to mend her wounds and restore her well-being."

As Flora resumed her task of tending to the woman's injuries, her slender fingers moved with renewed determination, guided by her unwavering commitment to her craft. While her initial surprise lingered in the back of her mind, Flora knew that judgment had no place in her healing sanctuary. Her duty was to provide aid, regardless of one's origins or appearance.

The woman's presence, enigmatic and different, intrigued Flora. The healer's innate curiosity stirred within her, urging her to delve deeper into the mysteries that surrounded this stranger. As her compassionate nature intertwined with her quest for knowledge, Flora vowed to uncover the truth behind the woman's origins and the circumstances that had led her to the Palace.

The King's Gilded Warrior || Wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now