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The following morning, Lyra woke up with a renewed determination to continue her quest for answers. She joined Flora and Pierce for breakfast, their conversations filled with anticipation and hope. As they finished their meal, Dale, Flora's wife and Lyra's assigned position replacement, entered the room.

Dale's eyes widened in surprise as she took in Lyra's altered appearance. "My, my, Lyra," she exclaimed, "you truly blend in now. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were born here."

Lyra smiled warmly. "Thank you, Dale. I owe it all to Flora's amazing potion."

Flora beamed with pride, her eyes twinkling. "I'm glad it worked so well. Now, Lyra, I must attend to some matters in the healers' chamber. Dale, would you mind showing Lyra, her duties for today?"

Dale nodded and turned to Lyra. "Of course. Follow me, Lyra. I'll guide you through your tasks."

They made their way through the corridors of the palace, Dale provides instructions and explanations along the way. As they reached the courtyard, the sound of birds chirping and the gentle breeze filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere.

Just as they were about to continue their walk, a blood-curdling scream shattered the tranquility. Lyra's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Dale, her eyes filled with concern. Without hesitation, they sprinted towards the source of the commotion.

Stopping abruptly in what Lyra could only assume was a training ground, her heart sank as her gaze shifted upward. High above, two children teetered on the edge of peril. The younger boy's cries echoed through the air as he desperately clung to the older boy, who struggled to maintain his grip.

Without hesitation, Lyra's instincts kicked in. She turned to Dale, her voice urgent yet composed. "Go get help! I'll do everything I can to save them. Hurry!"

Dale nodded, her eyes reflecting unwavering trust in Lyra's abilities. With determination in her stride, she sprinted off towards the palace, her mission to gather reinforcements clear.

Meanwhile, Lyra focused her attention on the imminent danger before her. A pack of three feral creatures, their canine forms bearing menacing teeth, circled beneath the children. Time seemed to stand still as Lyra made her decision – she would confront the beasts head-on, sacrificing her own safety to protect the innocent.

As the wild animals turned their attention towards Lyra, their predatory instincts guiding their every move, her heart pounded with a mix of adrenaline and resolve. She stood her ground, her eyes fixed on the creatures as they closed in, their jaws snapping dangerously close to her limbs. With calculated precision, Lyra moved swiftly, evading their lunges and sidestepping their fierce attacks. Her senses heightened, she anticipated their movements and countered with deft maneuvers, using her agility to her advantage.

With lightning reflexes, Lyra anticipated the creature's attack, swiftly dodging as it lunged towards her neck. Her body moved with a grace honed through countless battles, her instincts guiding her every move.

Bending low, she channeled her strength into a powerful strike, her fist connecting with the beast's abdomen with bone-crushing force. The impact sent the creature hurtling through the air, its body colliding with the ground in a resounding crash.

No time to rest, Lyra swiftly shifted her focus to another adversary. As the second creature snapped menacingly at her leg, she deftly sidestepped the impending bite. In one fluid motion, she brought her right leg up and over, executing a swift, sweeping kick that connected with precision.

The force of the impact propelled the creature backward, its body crashing into the ground with a thud. Lyra's movements were a symphony of power and agility, her combat skills honed through years of training and experience.In the midst of the fierce battle, Lyra's concentration never wavered. She remained focused on protecting herself while ensuring the safety of the children perched precariously above. With each strike and evasion, she skillfully maintained a delicate balance between offense and defense.

The King's Gilded Warrior || Wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now