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Lyra and Rhadmanthus stood in the palace stables, overseeing the preparations for their journey into town to gather the supplies needed for the magical binding ceremony. The stables were alive with activity as stable hands brushed and saddled the horses, ensuring they were in prime condition for the upcoming ride.

Rhadmanthus approached his own horse, a majestic black stallion named Shadow, running his hand along his sleek coat. The bond between them was strong, built on years of trust and shared adventures. He whispered words of reassurance to him, feeling his calming presence in return.

Lyra stood nearby, her gaze fixed on her own horse, a powerful white steed named Stormbringer. She checked the saddle and the fittings, ensuring everything was secure and ready for the journey ahead. The horse stood tall and proud, seemingly sensing the significance of the upcoming expedition.

As the stable hands finished their tasks, Lyra and Rhadmanthus exchanged a knowing glance. They shared a silent understanding that this journey was more than a simple trip to the town. It was a pivotal step towards unlocking Lyra's hidden potential and safeguarding their realms from the looming threat.

Rhadmanthus adjusted his riding attire, making sure it allowed for ease of movement. He fastened his dagger securely at his waist.With their horses ready and their preparations complete, Rhadmanthus and Lyra mounted their steeds, feeling the familiar surge of excitement and determination course through their veins. They were a formidable pair, united in purpose and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they rode out of the palace gates, the sun bathed the landscape in warm hues, casting a golden glow over the kingdom. The air was filled with anticipation, the townspeople pausing to watch as their king and the enigmatic Kilora set off on their quest.

Rhadmanthus and Lyra rode side by side, their horses moving in synchronized harmony. The wind whispered through their hair.

Lyra and Rhadmanthus, feeling a lightheartedness in the air, looked at each other with mischievous grins. The weight of their responsibilities momentarily lifted as they exchanged a playful challenge.

"You know, Rhadmanthus," Lyra said, a playful twinkle in her eyes, "I bet Ember here could outrun Thunderbolt any day!"

Rhadmanthus raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Is that so? Care to put that theory to the test?"

Lyra chuckled, patting Ember's neck. "Oh, it's on! Prepare to eat my dust!"

As if understanding the playful banter, Ember tossed her head as if to say, "Bring it on!" Meanwhile, Thunderbolt snorted in response, as if asserting his own speed and agility.

The two horses seemed to share their riders' excitement, their spirits eager for the challenge ahead. Lyra and Rhadmanthus lined up their steeds side by side, their eyes locked in a friendly competition.

"Ready?" Rhadmanthus called out.

Lyra nodded, a competitive fire igniting within her. "Ready!"

"On your mark..." Rhadmanthus continued, anticipating building.

"Get set..."

The tension mounted as Lyra and Rhadmanthus braced themselves, ready to give their horses the signal to gallop.

"GO!" they shouted in unison, their voices carrying across the open field.

And with that, the race was on. Thunderbolt and Ember bolted forward, their hooves pounding against the ground, the wind whipping through their manes. As they thundered across the field, their riders held on tight, their laughter mingling with the sounds of hooves and the rush of the wind.

The King's Gilded Warrior || Wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now