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In the week that followed, Lyra found herself navigating the intricate corridors and opulent chambers of the palace. However, she couldn't shake the underlying feeling of unease that permeated her being. The grandeur and elegance of Valorian's palace failed to provide the comfort she sought. It served as a constant reminder of her displacement, a stark contrast to the familiar landscapes she longed to return to.

Working alongside Pierce and Flora, Lyra appreciated their guidance and support. They were good-hearted individuals, and their intentions were genuine. Yet, their presence only intensified her yearning to find her way back home. While they extended kindness and camaraderie, she couldn't fully immerse herself in their world, knowing it wasn't where she truly belonged. At night, when sleep finally claimed her, Lyra's dreams turned into haunting nightmares. She would relive the scenes of chaos and destruction, witnessing her friends being consumed by darkness, unable to save them. The vivid images would jolt her awake, beads of perspiration clinging to her forehead, her heart racing in her chest. The nightmares served as a constant reminder of the urgency to find a way back, to protect those she held dear. As she went about her duties, Lyra found herself on edge, her senses hyper alert to the world around her. The smallest sounds—a door creaking, a distant clatter—could trigger a flood of memories, plunging her back into the chaos and violence she had experienced in her own realm. Each noise carried the potential to unravel the fragile balance she had fought so hard to maintain.

Lyra's days were filled with frustration and uncertainty as she grappled with the mystery of how to return home. The wound on her stomach was slowly healing, but it still left her feeling weak and sluggish. Meanwhile, Flora, ever the optimist, was pleased with the progress of Lyra's recovery. She marveled at how quickly the wound was closing and how Lyra's energy was gradually returning. In their moments of respite, they would often find themselves engrossed in conversations about Valorian and its rich history.

Lyra was particularly intrigued by the stark differences between the Fae and Orcs Pierce race. Flora shared with her the knowledge that the Fae aged at a much slower pace compared to Lyra's own people who had a shorter life span compared to theirs. The Fae possessed a longevity that seemed almost otherworldly. Furthermore, the Fae had a limited ability to wield magic, harnessing the forces of the elements and bending them to their will. Only the royal bloodline was able to harness all forms and magic and some that were considered dangerous. Flora stated that the King, unlike most Fae, had striking lavender eyes unlike the common gold.

On the other hand, Orcs lacked any magical abilities. Instead, they were gifted with incredible physical strength, the power to heal rapidly, and extended lifespans. Lyra found herself fascinated by the notion that magic was not a universal trait among all beings, and that each race had its own unique set of gifts and limitations.

"So the King has a special bloodline and possesses magic that others do not? Does that mean he can open portals?" Lyra's voice quivered with anticipation as she sought answers about her potential path home. The thought of the King possessing the ability to unlock portals filled her with hope.

Flora hesitated, uncertainty lingering in her eyes. "Well, I must admit, the extent of the King's power is shrouded in mystery. Throughout all my years, I have never heard of anyone possessing the power to open portals to different places. And considering what you have told us about this Azazel character, it seems he poses a great threat. Lyra, I have to be honest with you... Women, be it Fae or Orcs, do not engage in combat here. The idea of a woman fighting is considered impossible. I'm not certain if the King would be open to helping a foreigner like yourself," Flora confessed, her voice tinged with concern.

Lyra's frustration bubbled up, an intense rage building within her chest. She refused to accept the notion of being labeled a foreigner in this land, especially since she never wanted to be here in the first place. The anger fueled her determination even more, as she found her voice and spoke with unwavering resolve.

The King's Gilded Warrior || Wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now