Operation: Make It Official II

Start from the beginning

I smiled and looked into Samuel's eyes.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? And what did Oliver tell—"

I shut him up with a short but passionate kiss.

"You ask too many questions, urchin boy" I muttered against his lips.

I knew the whole class was looking, so I gave him one last peck on the lips while he was still registering what had just happened.

"Love you, pup~" I cooed and blew him a kiss as I walked out of the classroom.


Right on cue, two pairs of hand grabbed me and shoved me into a deserted class room.

It was Chelsea and Richie, and they looked really pissed.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I greeted rather warmly.

"Don't play with me, snotty bitch" Chelsea snarled shoving me against a wall.

"Why would I do that? You aren't a toy, are you, Chelsea?" I asked coyly.

Chelsea came all up in my face and snarled "I'll show you who the real toy is"

I couldn't brace myself for the next thing that happened.

I felt my face sting and my ears ringing as I staggered aimlessly.

"Say that you'll stay away from Sam" she spat, holding up her hand to strike another slap on my face.

"Why should I? I'd be lying through my teeth"


I wobbled, my hands placed over my heated swollen cheek.

"You're the toy. No one's ever really going to take you seriously, and you should know your place, your duty. You should submit and obey" she said with a ice cold tone.

I gritted my teeth "That's a dog you're describing. And seeing to it as you're a bitch yourself, you might want to add more details to your flimsy description"

Chelsea's eyes widened and glared with rage as her hand swept down faster than a shadow.

I raised my hands up and hid my face under them to try and stop her... but I didn't feel anything.

I peeked with one eye and I saw Chelsea's hand held in mid air by someone.

"We'll get her next time, Chels. Things won't look good for us if someone comes in" Richie whispered, holding Chelsea's arm firmly in place.

Chelsea scoffed "Don't touch me, Richardson"

Chelsea pulled her hand out of Richie's grip and composed herself.

Then she turned to me with a sharp glare, she whispered and said "It doesn't end here, you freak"

I remained unfazed by her death glare which made her even more enraged. She turned around and stormed off angrily.

Richie turned to me with an expression I've never seen before, mixed with slight rage and jealousy.

She walked away and out... out of the room... and hopefully out of my life.

My cheeks stung with pain and I just remembered what situation I was in.

If I wanted to, I could have crumpled down to the floor and burst in tears, waiting for someone to save me. Not this time. Not anymore. I boldly walked out of the room and caught Chelsea and Richie walking together. Without a second thought, I crept up to them quietly and roughly pulled at their hair, making them cry in pain.

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