"Everyone, this armageddon wouldn't be possible without help from our friend here. Give him a six-fingered hand!" Bill proclaimed as Ford grunted.

"This brainiac is the one who built the portal in the first place! Ah, don't look so sour, Fordsy. It's not too late to join me. With that extra finger, you'd fit right in with my freaks." Bill told Ford, who looked disgusted.

"I'll die before I join you! I know your weakness, Bill!"

"Oh, yeah?" Bill's eye became a question mark. "And I know a riddle. Why did the old man do this?" Bill struck a pose, and Ford followed.


In an instant, Bill shot out a lazer that petrified Ford.

"HAND OVER FORD!" I shouted out, whIch seemed to catch Bill's attention.

"Now, isn't this INTERESTING? My little play thing and little old six fingers working together to stop me. " Bill mocked me doing the same thing with me and lifted me up next to Ford.

"Let me go, you one-eyed BASTARD!" I tried to wiggle my way out, but the beam was holding me too tightly, he wasn't gonna let me go.

"That's not gonna happen, unfortunately. I am not done with either of you." In an instant, he shot out a the same color beam which petrified Ford.




Wait, where am I?

I looked around the neatly decorated room. And when I say neat, everything seemed Bill styled. Except the old black grandpiano in the corner of the room.

I was immediately drawn to it. Taking a step forward, I noticed my leg was chained. Great, so now I'm a prisoner. The chain was long enough that I could roam freely anywhere in this exact room. How freeing...

Seeing as I could at least move around here, in an instant, my feet dragged me to the piano. I trailed my fingers over the keys.

I played a note. It sounded unreal, like the sounds were made from angels.

I played another note when suddenly I heard that same horrid voice.

"Do you take requests?" Bill's voice echoed as I jumped back. "Didn't mean to scare ya. Not today, at least." Bill said, floating over to me and playing some of the keys.

"I picked up the piano because of you. Wanna listen?"

I nodded a little confused as he started playing We'll meet again by Vera Lynn. His singing voice gave me chills

"Interesting choice..."

"Dont know anything else, frankly!" Bill stated happily as I looked at him with disgust.

"Where is Ford?" I asked sternly as he laughed.

"So eager!" He snapped his fingers. "But if you so want him here!" I turned around to see Ford as a statue. I screamed in an instant.

Bill snapped his fingers again, and Ford dissappeared.

"What do you want from me?" I snapped at him, my voice stern but my eyes prickly with tears.

"I came to see you! Like old pals do!"

"We aren't friends!" I shouted once more as he sighed.

"We used to be." Bill stated as I raised my eyebrow.


"Come on, Pianokeys. I've been haunting you for so long, hoping you'd snap out of it. You really don't remember? Even now?"

One mystery left to solve | Dipper Pines (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now