"I'm sorry sir, I just wanted to get away from some distractions", I said, giving him a forced smile, I was tired or anything, I'm fine.

"Oh, ok well hopefully you can learn more over here, Ronan and yourself seem to talk a lot", he said, chuckling.

"Well, that's not going to happen anymore", I said, smiling.

"Why don't you get a headstart and copy these notes down", he said, writing on the board.

I wrote down more tips on how to make a creative piece of writing and the class started to fill in. I was too focused on my work to listen to anyone speaking to me, not until someone mbreathed in my ear.

"Kirstennnn", Nathan said, seductively in my ear.

"Oh my gosh, what the hell", I whisper/yelled, covering my face.

"Sorry, why are you sitting over here? Ronan wanted me to ask", he said, taking a seat next to me.

"Look, I'm just trying to get away from distractions, my education matters more than him", I said, continuing to write again.

"Ok thanks", he said, getting up and returning to his seat, while talking to Ronan.

The class went by pretty quickly and thank goodness for that. I noticed Ronan kept sneaking glances at me and I knew he wanted to talk to me after class. I'm going to have to rush out of here.

Ding Ding Ding

"Ok students, we will continue these notes next lesson, but for now, have a fantastic morning" our teacher said, wiping the board off.

I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran out of the class, I could hear someone behind me and as I was nearing a corner I got pulled back and I entered a room.

"Get off me!", I shouted, turning the person around, grabbing their hands, and pushing them against the wall.

"Kirsten, let go", I heard Ronan say, in pain.

"Ronan! What the hell, I felt like I was going to be murdered, your lucky I didn't break your neck", I growled, letting go off his hands forcefully.

I walked to the door, but I got pulled back and got pushed against the wall, I tried to get out of Ronan's hold, but he's too strong, I growled.

"Ronan, let me go", I said, I could feel his face close to mine.

"Ronan, please", I begged, feeling his lips brush against mine.

"Or what", he whispered, huskily near my ear, sending shivers down my back.

"Or I'll r-report you", I said, stuttering mid, sentence.

"Now, now, we wouldn't want that", he whispered, nibbling on my earlobe. My legs are about to drop, he started to suck on my neck and a moan escaped my lips.

"Ronan, what are you doing?", I asked, closing my eyes. He didn't answer but he kissed my jawline, to my chin and finding my lips. He held his hands tightly on my waist and was trying not to kiss him back.

"No, I'm not kissing you, when Alyssa's been all over you", I said, releasing his grip around me and walking towards the door, slamming it.

Why would he do that! Argh, why. I walked towards the front of the school and sat myself behind one of the walls. I will not cry, I'm strong, I won't let some boy ruin me. Why would he perceive me like that. What a jerk. I cannot believe that whole time I was holding my stuff, I guess I gotta put these back.

I sat there for a few more minutes, until I had the courage to get up and grab my books for my next class, which was Maths. I hated maths with all my heart. Like the saying says, Math stands for, Mental Abuse For Humans. I walked towards my locker and I put my stuff from last period in. I suddenly got my head pushed in my locker and someone slammed the door of the locker, on the back of my head.

"Ah fvck!", I shouted, holding the back of my neck and hearing giggling.

I instantly noticed it was Alyssa's laugh. I caught up to her, holding my neck.

"Alyssa", I growled, causing her to turn around.

I punched her straight in the face, hearing a crack, I don't care how ugly she gets with that broken nose. She was on the ground, crying and holding her nose. I don't care if there was a crowd forming around us, I didn't care about anything right now.

"I've had enough of your shit!", I shouted, pointing at her.

"Why you try to make me care about whatever you do to me, whether it be disrupting conversations with my friends or doing some physical damage to me, I've had enough of you!", I shouted, feeling blood trickle from my neck. I felt the back of my neck and I looked at my hand, seeing blood.

I shook my head and pushed through the crowd, I quickly ran out of the school and onto my bike. I placed my helmet on and got onto my bike, turning the key.

"Kirsten!", I heard someone say, due to me not hearing much, I didn't know who it was and I drove out of the place.

I thought today would be better, but no. I drove back home and I got off my bike. I felt really dizzy, it must be the blood loss. I need to go o the hospital. As I was putting my helmet under the seat, my knees dropped and I fell to the ground. I took one more loom around me, before my eyes closed heavily.


Oh no! Kirsten! Drama drama drama. Do you think Kirsten will be alright? Remember to vote, comment and continue reading.


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