Kai leaned on Cole's shoulder with a smile. His words had helped slightly, but he still felt like something bad was going to happen.

"Thanks Cole. I hope you're right."

"It's no problem. Don't worry, Firefly. If anything goes wrong, we can handle it. We got this, okay?"

Kai smiled.

"We got this."

"There we go. There's the smile I love so much." Cole said with a bright smile, and he placed a quick kiss on Kai's forehead.

Kai laughed a little and kissed Cole on the cheek before leaning against his chest.

"I love you." Kai said quietly as he grabbed one of Cole's hands, intertwining it with his own.

"I love you too." Cole said, giving Kai's hand a loving squeeze.

They fell into a comfortable silence as they cuddled against each other and gazed out the window at the earth being slowly covered in a layer of snow.

In Kai's opinion, this couldn't be more perfect.

They could worry about everything later. Right now, they just wanted to be together.


"My lord..."

"What is it?" ???? snapped.

"The preparations for #$&¥®$!@$%© are coming along nicely." The first voice hissed.

"Good, good. Have we managed to infiltrate the castle?"

"We have. Our spies are mapping out the castle as we speak. As well as recording the typical routine of the royal family, and the fiance." ??? stated proudly.

"Mmmm... Wonderful. Do they seem to suspect anything?" ???? asked ???.

"No. Though the fiance does appear more on edge than usual, he doesn't seem to have realized."

"Wonderful. This is all going perfectly according to plan. They won't know what hit them." ???? said with a confident laugh.

"We shall forward our goal of destroying the monarchy. And we your genius plan, we will be able to take down two royal families at once." ??? Praised.

"I know. I truly am I genius. You have done well with executing your tasks, I knew I wouldn't regret taking you as my right hand." ???? said in a form of almost praise.

"Of course my lord. What kind of general would I be if I didn't preform as expected of me."

"Oh don't bother with calling me "my lord". Just call me-"


Kai felt a shiver go up his spine.

Cole felt Kai shiver and gave him a concerned look.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm... I'm fine. I just... I'm probably just being paranoid. It's fine." Kai tried to brush it off.

"Are you sure?" Cole asked sceptically.

"... No." Kai admitted.

"Kai... Talk to me." Cole prompted.

"I dunno, I just... I'm just really worried. I don't know what it is, but I just know something bad is going to happen. I'm worried about what it might be." Kai explained anxiously.

Cole frowned.

"Kai, trust me. It will be perfectly fine. Whatever happens, we'll deal with it." Cole said reassuringly.

"But if you're really that worried, we can go take some precautions. We can do some interrogations of the servants and the soldiers and we can search the castle for anything suspicious. We can even up security if that would make you feel better." Cole offered with a smile.

Kai gave a small smile back.

"Yeah, that might help. Thanks Cole."

"It's no problem, really. Just let me know if anything is bothering you. I'll do my best to help." Cole said, placing a kiss to Kai's temple as he pulled him in for a hug.

Kai sighed happily.

"Thanks Cole. I will."


Despite having no clue what to write for this when I started, I actually really like how this chapter turned out!

I hadn't originally planned the change in perspective in the middle, but I decided I really wanted to add it. We need some ✨drama✨

And who doesn't love a good bit of foreshadowing?

Hope you enjoyed! See you next chapter!

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