Chapter 16: First Day On The Job

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Luz POV:

"Shit, Shit, SHIT!" I whispered to myself as I stepped into the cafe, I held the door frame for support as I breathed heavily. 

"Kid you're late on your first day" I heard Eda walk up to me.

"I know, I'm so sorry" I looked up at her.

Eda smiled, she walked closer to me.

I closed my eyes shut, I don't know why but I thought she was going to hurt me in some kind of way. Childhood trauma fucks you up.

I felt a hand softly land on my head.

My eyes widened.

"It's alright kid, we all make mistakes just.. don't do it again, okay?" she ruffled my hair.

"And if you do.. I might have to fire you" she brought me closer as she joked.

"Come on! You wouldn't fire your best employee would you?" I smirked as I walked up to the counter.

Eda laughed as she handed me a forest green cap and apron "I don't know.. so far my best employee has been late on her first day, also lose the beanie"

"WHAT! But I love my beanie!" I put on my apron.

"Fine  you can wear the beanie" she put up her hands as she walked away.

I smiled as I tossed the green hat aside, I didn't need it anyway.

I put on my biggest smile as I walked up to the counter "Hi what can I get for you today?" I looked at the customer as he scanned the menu above me.

"A tall Latte please" he spoke, he surprisingly had a deep voice.



"One tall Latte coming right up, $3.26 please" Bow handed me a $5 note, I gave him his change and he stood to the side, patiently waiting for his order.

As Eda took the next customer I made the Latte.

After adding some finishing touches I called out the name for the order.

"Bow?" I said loudly, the man stood up and took the drink out of my hands after thanking me.

The customer smiled as he turned to leave.

Another customer entered the cafe, she looked like  Amity... her green hair, pale skin, the only thing that they don't have in common is their eyes and how their hair is styled.

I shook my head that's ridiculous! How could such a person be so similar to Amity?

As the customer walked to the counter with a disappointed look on her face, beads of sweat ran down my face.

"Hello ma'am how can-"

" A grande cappuccino with two pulps of caramel, two white mocha with whipped cream, drizzled with chocolate syrup" The customer spat out.

I sighed, it's one of THOSE customers "Name for the order?" I reluctantly asked.

"Odalia, Odalia Blight" 

"Blight?" I instantly covered my mouth, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud!

"Yes, is there a problem?" I shook my head, "Of course not ma'am! It's just.. I know a Blight too!" I chuckled nervously.

 Odalia looked at me blankly then giggled "You? A low class person such as you know a Blight? I find that hard to believe."


"Is this person bothering you?" I heard a voice behind me say, I turned around to see Eda, glaring at Odalia.

"I'm just ordering a drink Edalyn, is that such a bother?" Odalia stated.

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