Chapter 3: New Friends

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Nobody's POV:

As the sun slowly started to rise Luz notice a weight in her arms. It was Amity sleeping peacefully even after last nights events. 

Luz stretched and went to the bathroom not making too much noise because it was 4:30am and she didn't want to wake up Amity. She went and did her business in there and walked to get a cup of ice water.

She found the once sleeping Blight sitting on the bed waiting for her. "Morning princess" Luz smiled "where were you?" Amity questioned "bathroom" Luz answered "come back to bed it's cold" Amity gestured Luz to cuddle her.

 "Okay I just need water first princess, just go back to sleep" Luz went to the kitchen to get a cup of water. She went back to Amitys bed and held her to her chest. 

"Can I have some water too?" Amity mumbled "sure" Luz started to sit up but then quickly pulled back down. "I don't want you to go.. I can drink your water?" Amity questioned herself. Luz smiled as she reached over to the nightstand (where the cup was) with one hand. She gave it to the half awake girl and drink about half of it if not more. "Wow your really thirsty-" Luz laughed "shut up and sleep" Amity cut her off.

While Amity hid in Luz's crooked neck drifting off to sleep Luz was wide awake. She couldn't sleep. She decided to take a walk so she gently pushed Amity away and replaced herself with a body pillow. She put on her forest green jacket with her crimson red beanie and some pair of plain white Nikes.

She brought her wallet, phone, keys, a pack of cigarettes (plus a lighter) and her bat just in case there's sketchy people in the area. She unlocked the door and went to the closest park she could find. She sat down on a bench and watch the sunrise peaking only so slightly.

She felt the cool breeze float around her while she pulled out her deck of cigarettes and lit it up. She slipped the now lit cigarette in her mouth as she relaxed.

She heard a branch snapped. She held her bat tightly as she turned her head around to see who it was. "Hey what are you doing at 5am?" a Girl said. 

The girls hair is green but way darker than Amity's and hers was short. She had a black sweater with a yellow coat that's below her knees and gold glasses. 

The boy next to her seemed younger. He had ripped jeans, black t-Shirt with a jacket too but his one had ripped out sleeves and was shorter. His hair was messy but the side of his head was shaved.

"Relaxing, you?" Luz asked "same what school you go to?" The girl asked "Hexide college" She answered. "Really? We go there go, we should hang out some time" the boy chirped "what's your guys name?" Luz questioned back "I'm Willow Park and my buddy here is Augustus" they both sat down next to Luz. "Nice to meet you, Luz Nocceda" Luz introduced herself.

They talked for a bit and exchanged numbers. They walked together towards the campus until Luz spotted a café. "Wait here guys I'll be right back!" She ran to the café and got Willow and Augustus Coffee while she got a muffin because she's lactose intolerant. 

"Who's the caramel milkshake for, Luz?" Augustus asked "oh um for another friend" Luz looked back at Willow and Gus now smirking. "Oooo~ Who's this 'friend'?" Willow teased "I- uh I-It's none of your fucking business!" Luz shouted.

Luz's cheeks turned bright red "Let's just fucking go" Luz death glared them then walked to the dorms. She unlocked the door and saw Amity still sleeping, it was 5:30 so it would make sense. She placed the milkshake and muffin on the counter and jumped to bed. She removed the pillow and hugged amity instead, she played with Amity's green hair because she still couldn't sleep.

Beep Beep Beep

"Mhm what time is it?" Amity sat up looking around. "good morning princess and it's 7:30, I got you a milkshake" she got up and handed her the milkshake. "Awe Thanks, you didn't have to do that for me Luz" Amity sipped on the milkshake. 

It was DELICIOUS! The milk was so foamy, it's was so cold good for summer and the caramel was so thick! "Nah it's alright I figured that you needed a sweet morning since last night.. you know what" Luz mentioned. Amity smiled as she got up, turned off the alarm and went to the bathroom to get ready.

Once Amity got her uniform, makeup and hair ready she went out and drank the milkshake. Luz still wasn't ready so when she saw Amity ready her jaw hit the ground.

Amity was wearing a dark navy blue skirt with a milky white button up shirt (tucked in). She was wearing a ruby red tie under her collar. She also had a jacket matching the skirt and exposing one shoulder. She had void black runners.

 "Wow your so beautiful" she said. Amity went red "oh thank you Luz, can't say the same about you though" she giggled. Luz smiled as she went to the change. 

When Luz got her uniform on, hair fixed and beanie on top of her head she pointed some gun signs in the mirror and walked away. "Hey Amity you ready for class?" Luz sat on the couch. "Yeah I... am" Amity Looked up and down to see a goddess. 

Luz still had her signature red beanie tilted downwards. She had a dark navy blue suit like uniform but she had a zipper hoodie thing inside the suit with a red tie matching the beanie (I don't know how to explain this) and had a milky white button up shirt (not tucked in). She had jet black pants with white sneakers.

"Like what you see, princess?" Luz smirked as she walked up to be in front, face to face to the frozen girl. "Oh uh I-I'm sorry I just spaced out, l-let's just go" Amity stuttered. She walked to the front door but immediately tripping. Amity was expecting the ground on her face but it never came?

She opened her eyes to see the floor right in front of her and arms wrapped around her "Woah there princess, you almost fell" Luz laughed. "Whatever dork let's just go" Amity said standing up and walking to the door without falling this time but then suddenly pulled back. 

"Is that my thank you?" Luz pinned Amity against a wall and held her chin up with her free hand.

What. The. FUCK

woo okay this chapter took super looooong. Srry about that. Well next chapter there will probably be more 'spice' Idk 🤷‍♀️ but there will be indeed lumity fluff. Maybe you guys could give me ideas for this story? Or give me advice to make this story better

Words: 1150

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