twenty four

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It was past ten at night and Nandini was lying down on couch, going through different channels in order to find something to watch that would equip her interest. She devoured the Mac n Cheese pasta that she had made and if she was being honest, she was impressed by herself. Even though the pasta looked underdone and taste a bit too bitter but hey she still managed to not burn down the whole kitchen. It was progress, indeed.




"Who could be there at this time?!" Nandini muttered under her breath to herself as she was damn sure that she wasn't expecting anyone that this time.

"For god's sake stop banging the freaking door so loudly." Nandini groaned while getting up from the couch reluctantly. Till now she was having a blast, Saturdays had never been so fun. Not the sarcasm in her tone.

She peeped through the key hole just to be sure that there wasn't someone standing at her door with a chainsaw ready to split into half. But she couldn't see anything expect a full black attire, a guy who had his face covered with a bucket hat and a mask. The person seemed too suspicious and Nandini had no wish no dying so soon. So, she grabbed the baseball bat which was kept near the shoe rack.

Why a baseball bat?

No, of course not for playing baseball rather, for smashing the head of a murder who might enter their house. Just in case you know, a brilliant security measure taken by Navya and even though Nandini had laughed it her ass off when her best friend barged in with a baseball. Now, it was coming handy. So, Navya's amusing idea wasn't useless for once, Nandini thought to herself as her grip tightened around the bat.

One swing!

Is all it takes!

Nandini breathed in and out anxiously as her breathing quickened, breaking into cold sweat she was ready to hit the person whoever was at the door. For one last time she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply while slowly turning the knob of the door. She opened the door ajar.

"Can I stay the night?" the baseball bat Nandini was holding ever so tightly for her dear life slipped away from her hands in surprise. But she had yet to conclude which came as more of a shock- Manik Malhotra standing at her door or him asking to freaking stay at her home tonight. She was baffled to say the least.

The baseball bat fell on the floor with its sound still echoing in the air, cutting the silence between them. Manik was panting heavily as if he had just run a marathon as Nandini stared at him with confusion written all over on her face. It was hard for her to comprehend the situation.


Because the guy hadn't been even looking her in the eye since they had the fight at farmhouse. Since Manik had told her that if that's what she wanted then he will keep his distance. He would stay away from her. All that they will have will be a strictly professional relationship like between any employee and the boss. Nothing more nothing less.

And as if keeping the distance wasn't enough, Manik being the jerk as Nandini had labelled him 'a monster' he indeed made her life anything but harder after that fight. Not only he would ignore her but he would ridiculously piss her off by shoving absolutely absurd works and overwhelmingly nonsensical demands.

Like the coffee should be hot exactly between 120 F to 140 F even a degree higher or lower and he will literally dump the coffee in trash bin. Sometimes he would make her work overtime or yell at her even at tiniest mistakes. All and all the monster had made her life hell after that fight while Manik was taking out his anger and sadness in the worst from of revenge as the man was broken himself and he didn't know how to pick his piece. So, he did what he did best- hurting other. Hurting people, he cherishes.

Second Chance At Love - [MANAN] #Book2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin