The battle at hyrule castle, pt.3

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Linkly gets up on the werewolf's back while Midna teleports up to the air to push the dragon lower down.

Sidon stares doubtfully at the werewolf since he doesn't completely trust him yet. Afraid the werewolf will snap and kill Linkly instead of attacking the dragon.

While Midna starts making hand gestures to summon a giant hand, the ground around them start rumbling. A short while later, the fallen monsters start arising.

The people down on the ground gasp and look around them at the approaching monsters. Linkly starts hesitantly getting down from the werewolf.
Sidon flinches from seeing Linkly planning to support them on the ground. He clenches the hands on the trident.
" DON'T..." he shouts and startles the other three.
Sidon shakes the head.

Linkly halts the movements where he remains on the other Link's back.
"..." he looks at Sidon and sees how serious he looks. The hylian looks around at the approaching monsters and then up at the dragon where a huge hand pops up above it.
Sidon is right... It's probably now or never. And, he needs to take care of the dragon above them. Otherwise, the nightmare will never reach an end.
He swallows hardly and gives Sidon a nod.
" Alright... I count on you two..."

Sidon smiles widely.
" Likewise..." he says and gives him a thumb up.

The moment when the dragon gets low enough, the werewolf tells Linkly through the mind to get ready.
Linkly clings onto him with the arms around his neck.
Then, the werewolf runs forward, where he jumps highly upward toward the beast.

Sidon pulls the eyes from those two and looks around at the monster and then at Zelda.
" Pardon me, princess to drag you into this... But, are you ready for a second round with these monsters?" He jokes to calm down the nerves.

Zelda smiles genuinely at him and gives him a nod.
"... I am... Can I ask you to fight in the front while I'm attacking from behind?"

The Zora hums and glances at her.
Then he shrugs.
"... That works for me... " he shudders and grabs the trident tighter with the hands, where he waits a few seconds before running toward the first group of bokoblins.
"HAH!-..." he exhales loudly while killing one monster after another.

The princess inhales sharply to focus her inner power.
Then she extends one arm while pulling the other arm back like she is pulling the string to a bow. In the hands, a bow and arrow in light appeared.
The princess squints the eyes and starts aiming on a silver moblin.
She exhales softly while letting go of the string where the light arrow swiftly flies through the sky and hits the monster on the forehead. The moblin grunts loudly and falls backward, where it thuds dead on the ground.


Standing in the shadows on top of the ruins of the castle, Zant lets the fight play out in front of his eyes.
Maybe he should be upset since wolfLink isn't staying away from his business as he told him to... But he isn't upset right now. Simple because everything plays out smoothly as he wants to.
He smirks.
" Midna, you fool... You are giving me what I have tried getting... You think you are being kind by separating the evil from Ganondorf's soul... But that you don't know is, you are playing me right in the hands. There, the ultimate God will get born. My God, Demise... The one who perish the light and gives the shadow its rightful place on earth..." he mumbles before bursting out in a low laughter.


The werewolf starts climbing on the dragon, where the beast tries to wriggle to shake them off of him. It roars in annoyance.

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