ch 38; Making a choice

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*** Around a half day before the start of the battle ***

Despite the guilt of staying behind and not taking a part of the battle, Linkly enjoys the time with staring happily down at his son.
About a hundred years ago... He made another choice and therefore lost the opportunity to raise the three Zora children. And he will forever regret that choice.
So, there is no way he will make the same mistake and not be part of his child's life.

The small tugging on the baby's lips makes him smile with swelling heart from love to the child.

"Dark... I..." he starts saying in a low voice when a random vibration from the desk behind him halts his words.
Linkly grunts in confusion and gets up from the edge of the bed.

The hylian blinks a few times while the eyes move toward the desk and look askingly at the now glowing master sword.

"Master sword?" He says while walking toward the sword. The baby opens his red eyes and looks askingly up at him.

The sword seems to glow and keeps vibrating until he stands by the desk with a hand moving askingly toward the sword. The vibrating movements stop, but the weapon is glowing still.

The hylian grunts bewildered over the odd situation. His hand moves toward the blade where the fingertips barely touch the kind of warm metal.

" Hurry..." An unfamiliar voice echoed and startled him where he flinches the hand away.

Linkly's heartbeats increase, and the eyes start slowly to wide when he realizes the sound came from the sword.
The hylian looks down at the sword.
" W-what?"

The glow from the sword seems slowly to fade.
"... Hurry... Or they might die..." The voice tells him before the glow fully disappeared along with the weird and spooky voice.

Linkly inhales sharply and gets tense. Despite the voice didn't explained the circumstances and what it tried to tell him about, he still knew.
An uneasy feeling starts running through his body and makes him fear the life of his friends.

The nervous hylian looks down at his son. The innocent smile from the child makes him grit the teeth. He does regrets the choice about a hundred years ago... But... He would also regret if his choice to stay away from the battle would cause everyone else to die.

A few seconds later, the baby gives him a confused look.
Linkly sighs and gives the child an apologizing look with a hint of sadness in the eyes.
"... I'm... Sorry... But... I... I can't leave them... Forgive me, Dark..." he mumbles to the clueless child.


Sidon stands in a room with a few other zoras, where he gives them assignments about things to upgrade in the domain.
The room doesn't have any walls and is surrounded with pillars covered with corals instead. There, the pillars are holding the ceiling up.
The zoras stand up next to a long table when Sidon notices Linkly and Dark in the corner of the eye.

The red and white scaled Zora brights up while turning toward the hylian while mumbling an excuse to the others.
But, the smile starts faltering when he sees the master sword behind the shoulder of his beloved hylian.
The bewildered Zora walks toward Linkly, who halts the steps and wants to talk privately with him.
Sidon looks back and forth between the sword, the baby, and at Linkly.
" Hi?...  May I ask what's going on?"

Linkly averts the eyes in shame.
" I-..." he starts saying and furrows the eyebrows.
He sighs.
"... I can't... I'm sorry..."

Sidon stares askingly at him.
" You can't..." he starts asking when he suddenly gets the answer by himself.
The Zora sighs and puts a hand on the small hylian's shoulder.
"... I presume you can't leave them to their destiny... Or am I mistakenly myself?" He says and gives Linkly a warm and understanding look.

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