ch 5; not feeling well

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The closer they are getting to the castle, the more Linkly's heart starts pounding loudly and rapidly.
It starts feeling as a big hand is grabbing his whole body.
Squeezing him tightly.
Linkly is breathing heavily and the view gets blurry.
The Wolf stops heading forward and stops his track.
"What's wrong? Tell me..."
"I-...I don't know..." Linkly admits and he gets the feeling he is about to pass out soon or is dying.
"I think I'm about to pass out..." he adds.
The wolf starts looking around, trying to find somewhere to take a break.
But it seems the castle is the closest shelter right now.
He grits his teeth frustrated.
"Try to hold out... I will dashing against the castle... Then we will ask after help..."
"O-okay.." Linkly nods.
The Wolf inhales deeply before he starts dashing forward.

It feels as Linkly's heart soon will burst.
Has he got some weird cold or something? Virus?
Linkly jolts when he feels the first raindrops hitting his pale face.
He looks asking up.
"It's raining..." he thinks to himself.
Shortly after that, the rain is getting  worse and he ends up soaked.
"Soon there..." the wolf tells him.

When they are entering the castle of ice, is Link turned back to hylian and is holding Linkly in bridal style.
Both are soaked by the heavy rain.
Linkly is smiling softly against Link's chest even though it feels as he is about to die.
"MY BROTHER NEEDS HELP..." he shouts the moment they are inside the castle.
A red and white Zora walks against them.
"What's wrong?" He asks and is looking asking at Link's face as he kind of recognize him.
Link looks down on his brother.
"I don't know... Suddenly he doesn't feel well... He has been in coma during many years... I'm afraid he has got affected by that or..." he explains in hurry while the Zora is examining Linkly.
"Princess?..." the Zora suddenly says shocked when he recognize Linkly.
"Huh?" Link is looking confused at the Zora.
"Come..." the Zora says and waves his hand while he takes some steps away as he is telling Link to follow him.
Link gasps.
Then he nods and is following the Zora, with Linkly in his arms.
"What did you mean with princess?... Do you know him?" Link asks curiously.
The Zora gives him a small smile while they are walking.
"Kind of... The princess...Or I mean...He were living here during a period... He helped me with getting my sister's necklace down from the statue of our since long dead princess" he explains.
"My name is by the way; Nabou..."
Link smiles.
"Nice to meet you Nabou... I'm Link..."
Nabou stops walking and looks shocked at him.
"Link?...But... I thought they said his name was Link..." he says and nods against Linkly.
Link stops walking as well and grins.
"Our mother separated us when we were young and named us the same to remember the other child... Which is why I decided he will get called Linkly while I'm Link..." he chuckles until Linkly grunts.
"Let's go..." he adds and starts walking.
The Zoras they are passing are looking with big eyes on them. They can't believe their eyes.
That, Linkly is back.

Nabou opens a door and walks into a room with two single beds with blue sheets inside it.
There is curtain between the beds to keep some privacy.
"Place him on one of the beds... I'm getting the doctor who will check on him..." he tells Link.
"Thanks..." Link says and walk against the bed closest the window.
Nabou walks out from the room while Link lays Linkly down onto the bed.
"You will soon be alright...Okay?" Link says and holds Linkly's hand, standing leaning against him with his head not far away from Linkly's head.
Linkly gives him a small, tired smile and tries hiding his fear for his own life.

The blue Zora dressed in white coat is examining Linkly and is listening on his heart ect.
"How do you feel? Do you have pain somewhere?" The doctor asks while he is checking Linkly's health.
Linkly shrugs and looks begging at Link who stands behind the doctor to his right side.
Link clears his throat.
"He can't talk..." Link explains.
The doctor looks asking over his shoulder.
Link shakes his head.
"At least not since he woke up from his coma... However... I can read his mind and he have'd told me his feels as he is about to passing out or dying... It feels as his head is spinning around and as something is holding him tightly and make it hard for him to breath ..." Link says.
Doctor is looking a bit confused at Link before he looks asking at Linkly.
"Is that information correct?"
"Uhm..." Linkly nods.
The doctor inhales deeply and clears his throat.
"There is nothing wrong with him... At least he isn't sick or about to die..."
Both Link and Linkly are looking confused at him.
"But...But why is he not feeling like he used to do?!" Link asks upset.
The doctor gives him a serious look.
"Your brother have'd gotten an anxiety attack... Which is because the level of stress have'd raised into abnormal levels... And since he and we zoras haven't ended that well the last time we met... It wouldn't surprise me that's why he got an anxiety attack by getting back here..." the doctor shrugs and walks against the door.
"You can use this room until he feels better... And I suggest you are taking off your clothes and let them dry before you get sick..." he adds before he walks out from the room.

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