ch 30; Run piggy, run

31 1 0


Link is tired of the heat by now. Either it's the warmth from the Death mountain or the heat from the sun in the desert. Heat, and even more heat.
The skin stings a little from getting burned. The exposed skin is slightly brownish with a hint of red.

The hylian looks over at the gate with the two Gerudo guards. Maybe he is allowed to enter if he ask them to get permission from the princess? Or should he transform to wolf and enter? But... What if the Gerudos deny him despite that? Since he isn't walking next Linkly?

Link hums with the hand on the chin while pondering over the options to reach the twilight mirror with its lost shard. The eyes avert slowly while he is carefully thinking about the situation.
Suddenly, he notices the small shelter outside the walls to the town. And an overweight man. Right... That jerk was a creep to Linkly few weeks ago.

Link lowers the hand with a pissed look on the face where the eyebrow twitches in annoyance. How dare the asshole stay here. Drooling over every single girl he could find.
That's... Pathetic!

He scoffs and walks swiftly over to the shrine to get changed. The Twilight Mirror can wait. He needs to teach the stranger a lesson that he shouldn't assault someone. Especially not someone Link knows.

He takes the leather bag off of him the second when he has walked around the corner of the shrine. Then he kneels down behind the shrine, where he shoves the hand into the bag.
The hylian growls in a low voice with gritted teeth. It's a good thing that he kept the Gerudo clothes. The ones Linkly wore.

Link takes the coral colored clothes up from the bag and starts taking off his own to get the others on.


He might not be short and slender like Linkly. So, the clothes are fitting a bit tighter on him. And, his body is filled with visible muscles where his abs are proudly exposed... But that's alright. Since the women in Gerudo have muscular bodies as well. With visible abs underneath a low percent of fat on the stomach. So, at least he won't stand out too much.
The good question is... Will the jerk think he is Linkly or a random person?

It doesn't take a very long time before Link gets his question answered.
The second when the man sees him, he immediately stands up and gets out from the small shelter.
"OH?!-... I never thought I would see you again... I have been keeping my eyes open day as night... But, never did I see any hint of you again... Where have you been?" The dark-haired man says and starts ogling Link without any shame in the body.

Link narrows the eyes where he inwardly retches.
He shrugs where he also clears the throat to change the voice a bit.
"... Maybe you forgot to clean your glasses from any sand? And therefore, you have been blind and missed me every time when I walked around this area?" He scoffs with a lighter voice to pretend to be a woman.

The other man looks a little confused where he is unaware of his action and starts adjusting the glasses.
"... Maybe I accidentally fell asleep the times you walked around here..." he mumbles.
Then he smugly smirks at him, where he exhales through the nose. Almost looking arousal.
" But never mind that... You are here now... And, that's the important... So?..." He chuckles with a creepy sound and tries taking Link's hand in his.

The sandy blond man makes a grimace behind the veil and flinches the hand away the other man's.

The creep seems a bit hurt of being rejected. But the rejection was soon forgotten.
" So?... What did bring you here? Do you wanna spend time with me? You know... A date?"

Link shudders over the thought.
He gives the man a nod.
" Y-yeah..." he forces himself to answer and can already see the smile of triumph on the man's face. At the same time, he also sees how the man makes a small jolting movement. As he wasn't expecting, any woman would willingly be around him.

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