ch 13; the dog meeting the shark

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Sorry for late update, I've been obsessed with another story... You don't have to be shy and can leave a comment if you ever think I'm taking too long time with updating:)

However... Here is an update and I hope you enjoy it even though it's short x'D Ehm... I will do my best to leave another chapter within a week...

This chapter starts with Link, Linkly and Sidon meeting each other somewhere outside in Kakariko village;

Sidon is looking surprised and happy at Linkly when he suddenly showed up from nowhere.
He had by now; though his beloved husband was dead since long. And gave up his hope. But despite that, he never tried finding a new partner.
Even though he is overjoyed of seeing Linkly, he glares jealous at Link, who Linkly is hiding behind.
"Can someone tell me, who the stray dog is?..." Sidon mutters.
"It smells..." he grimaces.
Link flinches surprised of Sidon's remark.
"I challenge you to repeat that, fish-head..." Link snorts.
Linkly inhales sharply and grabbed Link's tunic.
"Stop..." he begs through their mind.
Sidon glares frustrated at Linkly who grabbed Link's tunic and leaned a slightly closer.
"I said... You smells, stupid dog..."  Sidon growls and doesn't like seeing his mate clinging onto someone else.
Link makes an attempt to throw forward to attack Sidon, but Linkly holds him back.
"You damn fish... You don't smell any better... It's like rotten flesh..." Link barks and glares frustrated backward at Linkly who starts grabbing Link's waist.
"Please stop Link... I don't want you to fight..."
" And you should let go of me, Linkly... This ugly Lizalfos was the one to insult me fi-...." he spits out before Sidon suddenly came in front him with fast speed and swung his arm swiftly with power against Link's cheek and hitted him.
"Gah-..." Link grunts of pain while he flew backward and made both Linkly and him, falling onto the ground.
"Ahh..." Linkly exhales surprised and landed on his backside.
"Ouch..." Linkly whimpers.
Sidon flinches gasping when he notices Linkly fell because of him.
"Oh Vah Ruta-...I'm sorry Link... I didn't meant to harm you..." Sidon apologizes with regret and guilt in his golden yellowish eyes.
The Zora prince was about to approach Linkly and help him up when Link grits his teeth and swings with his leg and make Sidon to fall forward on all fours.
The surprised prince shouts shocked and lands beside them.
"Like I would let you approach him without any fight..." Link snorts.
Linkly wides his eyes gasping and looks pitying at Sidon despite his frustration of the prince's rudeness.
Then he huffed pissed at Link's back.
"Did you really have to put him down like that? He is the prince for fuck sake! Not only that... According many he is also my husband..."
Link rolls his eyes and stands up.
"Who cares if he would be the king of the world... He started being rude and the one who hitted me first... And he being prince doesn't mean he's entitled to do whatever he wants... If titles means anything...Then I'm entitled too since I'm the king of Calatia..." Link points out to Linkly and makes Sidon to jolt asking.
"Sorry..." Linkly apologizes submissive and looks a slightly ashamed down.
Lin exhales snorting and extended his arm against Linkly.
"Take my hand and I will help you up..."
Linkly nods and grabs Link's hand and gets pulled up.

Sidon exhales surprised and stands up as well.
"Do... Do you talk through minds?"
Link raises an eyebrow and glares at him. Not feeling to be friendly and talk.
Linkly nods.
Sidon starts examining Linkly and gets a weird feeling.
"And why are you doing that?" The prince clears his throat nervously.
Link sighs.
"Linkly has lost mostly of his memories and the ability to talk... But lately he can say my name at least..." Link tells Sidon with crossed arms and starts smiling proudly.
Sidon wides his eyes shocked. Then he looks sadly at Linkly who starts wiping dirt off his bottom and legs.
"So... He... He doesn't remember me?" The prince asks and seems as he is about to cry.
Link looks at Linkly.
"Hey, Linkly..." he starts saying and makes Linkly to jolt and looks asking at him.
"Now when you see Sidon in person... Do you remember anything about him?"
Linkly gasps and looks terrified at Sidon. Afraid he will disappoint him if he can't remember anything.
The hylian tries he best to wake up any memory he should have with the Zora. He even squint his eyes to get a better look.

"Where have you been?..." a grunting disappointed person asked when Linkly came back home.

"I don't want you to do anything dangerous... Can't you stay here!?" Same person shouted angrily.

"And what?! Did you guys talked badly about me?!"

"Link... I'm sorry... I love you"

"Here... I want you to have this necklace as a sign I love you"

"LiiiiiiiiiiiiNnk... Please! Don't die... I-... We need you"

Those blurry memories startled him and he took a step backward with narrowed eyes.
Link tilts his head asking and feels the pain Linkly is enduring.
"Linkly?... Are you alright?..." he asks worried and walks against Linkly he then pulls into an embrace.
Linkly starts shaking and leans into Link's bosom. Holding his hands on each side of his head as he was afraid it would otherwise drop from its place.
"My head... It feels as it's about to burst..." Linkly explains trembling and his eyes starts watering from the pain.
Link shushes.
"It will be alright... Take your time and relax..." he tells him before he lifted Linkly into bridal style.
Linkly yelped surprised.
Sidon wides his eyes and starts feeling mixed feelings about this.
Link looks at him.
"Linkly has been overwhelmed from trying to remember... He needs a break..." he explains and starts walking away with the blushing hylian in his arms.
Sidon gasps and can't believe his eyes. How someone else is taking is husband with him.
It should be him if anyone who should take care of Linkly.
Sidon starts taking a step against them to protest, then he stopped himself from walking any further.
He stares shocked how Linkly is smiling happily at Link. How his husband seems being in loved.
Sidon snorts with gritted teeth.
"Stupid dog... I will let you take him with you for now... But then... Then he is mine again... Hopefully will your awful scent wash away from his body..." Sidon mutters before he turns around to walk somewhere else while Linkly will rest...

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