ch 8; the letter

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Link inhales deeply when he gets out from the stable, away from Linkly.
The air helps him to scatter the last clouds in his mind of Linkly's sweet smell.
Finally is his inner wolf silent and gives him some rest.
The strongest smell he notices right now is horses and hay.
He flinchs when he spots a naked middle-aged man around the corner by some hay bale with hay spread around them.
The man seems mumbling about something and circulating around in same pattern.
Link sighs and walks curiously closer to the man.
"What am I supposed to do... What am I supposed to do..." the man mumbles over and over again.
Link smiles a bit teasingly against the man.
"First of all... You are going to get dressed "Link suggests cocky and crosses his arms. He is pretty surprised no one have'd made ruckus about the naked man with a scar across his right eye.
The man jolts and looks asking at Link with only his left eye opened.
"You-...You can see me?" The man gasps.
Link raises an asking eyebrow.
"Of course I-...Wait..." he starts sniffing in the air and wides his eyes surprised when he can't noticing a smell from the man.
He gasps shocked and unwraps his arms and takes a step backward.
"Y-...You are dead?!" He says surprised and curses himself for not noticing that detail earlier.
He hates ghosts.
Not like these kind of ghosts are dangerous as the damn poes he collected to help the money-greedy man who had ended up with selling his soul for money. And turned into gold and immobile because of that.
    Finding all 60 poes were a pain in his ass he never wish to do all over again.
  The greedy man wanted Link's help to turn into normal. Just to meet his girlfriend.
But when he was normal and could meet his girlfriend it have'd turned out she have'd moved on and started dating another man.
And the poor bastard started drowning his sorrow at Telma's bar.
Something Link in silence have'd laughed at.
All efforts he have'd made for that greedy idiot turned into nothing for that man.
At least Link have'd found a piggy-bank. Somewhere to get money if he needs it.

Link glares at the dead man.
Each times he crosses path with these kind of ghost, he have'd ignored them.
Not wanting these ghosts to cling onto him since they are pathetic losers who feel grateful for someone to seeing them.
The dead man looks gratefully at Link and approach him.
"Please... Help me..." he begs standing too close for Link's taste. With his face only about twenty centrimeters away from his own face.
Link grits his teeth and turns his face away while he snorts.
"There is only one thing to do...And it's you have to find the light and walks into it..." he tells the man.
"It's nothing I can help you with" he adds shrugging.
Link hears how awful that sounds. How cold-hearted he has been since the peaceful life he lived at Ordon village with Ilia and the other kids.
But who could blame him?
A journey like that he has experienced, would turn everyone into cold-hearted assholes.
A trauma there his friends first get kidnapped of troll liked pigs.
Then he gets the damn curse who turned him into a wolf and he ended up locked up in the jail at the castle by some monsters.
Midna turned up and turned his life more upside down.
He have'd to fight against terrible monsters who would give anyone awful nightmares.
And a man named Zant started harassing him.
Turning up here and there to scare him and make him know, he is always watched.
Even today, even though he knows Midna killed Zant, he is afraid of seeing Zant standing around the corner and watching him afar.
Letting him know; Zant follows his every step and will attack him when he least suspect it.
Of course things like that, would affect people.
The only good he got of his journey were; he found a friend in Midna. Someone who understands him.
And now she is gone. Since she destroyed the mirror are there no way to get back to her.
She left him alone in this damn world. After everything they have'd seen together.
Okay... She wasn't the only good thing he got from the journey.
He actually fell in loved in Calatia's king who have'd got a curse on him as well. A curse who made his evil side blossom, there he tried destroying both twilight realm and Calatia region.
When Link by mistake with his light sword shattered the king's curse, the king turned into the kind king he was before.
The king wanted Link to stay at the castle to show him appreciation for his efforts.
To lavish gold and richness on Link as a thank you for saving everyone including me.
As the time processed; they developed feelings for each other.
And Link ended up with marrying the most powerful wizard; king Ganondorf.

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