ch 1; I refuse to marry him!

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The domain is glistening like a jewel underneath the blue sky, and the zoras have been living in peace for ages. Forgiven for their former sins. Like, when their former king accused the death of his daughter on the hylians and started a meaningless war over one hundred years ago. A bloody fight that caused the blood moon to arise with the cursed dragon along with it.
And that started another war about a hundred years later, where a demon started to slaughter humans in the Calatia region.
An awful chain reaction the zoras started. At least, they are blaming themselves for that. Despite Zant being the one to start everything by killing Mipha, and caused the Zora king to hate the hylians. And, not only that, Zant also manipulated the yiga clan to work for him and turn Ganondorf into a dragon by forcing him to swallow a secret stone.

However, all of that is forgiven and forgotten. Well, almost..

Since Dark has been raised as Sidon's youngest son, no one has said anything about his odd looks around him. But, it's obvious how they are staring dreadfully at his red eyes. As his eyes are a sore thorn in their eyes. A bad reminder about their past.
Like his eyes are mocking them for their former sins. Shining like the blood moon everyone feared years ago.

Despite Dark's love for his parents, he has never really felt at home in the domain. It feels way too peaceful and normal. And, no one seems to understand him. Seeing behind his appearance and talking to his soul.

The seventeen years old boy walks on the path on the mountains around the domain, with Prince Zion. The red and white Zora male, whose looks, remind a lot about Sidon. It's almost only his eyes who aren't the same. Blue instead of golden.

The sun shins brightly on Dark's skin and makes it obvious he has some kind of grayish undertone in the otherwise pale skin. It's a weird look for a hylian. Perhaps he has some kind of mutation?
Even the hair is oddly white for his young age. And those red eyes... Perhaps he has some kind of albino mutation?... Or, he is a freak. The monster he sees in the reflection of others' eyes.
Yeah, that would explain a lot... If he was born from a monster.

Zion clears the throat.
"... I don't want to pry... But, you seem more silent today than usual?... Do you mind sharing your thoughts with me?" He asks more politely than with actual care for him.

Dark sighs and runs the fingers through the side bangs to move the strands away from his eyes.
"... Have you ever asked yourself the reason for your birth?... Why, you were even born and why you are... -You?" He shrugs and looks askingly at the taller male. The Zora is about the double in height than him.

Zion raises an eyebrow and looks both bewildered and regretful to even ask.
"... I... Ehm... No?... I have actually never thought about those things..." he answers honestly with a small shrug.
He sighs.
" ... I don't even think where is a great reason for my birth more than taking over the throne one day, and maybe getting my own children... I don't believe in a greater meaning. A purpose someone from above gave me... My only purpose in life is my duties as the prince of this domain... Nothing more and nothing less..." he adds and leaves a weird silence between them while they are walking up through the hill.

Dark stares down at the ground where his foot accidentally makes a pebble to fly away. What could his purpose in life be? It's not like his destiny to take over the domain one day... Something he is very grateful for.

Zion glances at him with a side look.
"... May I ask what your purpose in life is?... Does you have the slightest clue why you were even born?"

The young hylian shrugs the shoulders.
"... Not, really... But, I don't think I will find the reason here..." he answers and looks up from the ground and forward where a sparsely flower field appears. The former place where a lynel lived. But, that was many, many years ago. And, since the blood moon doesn't reappear anymore, the Lynel is now dead for real.

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