chapter 7: the confession

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America's POV: Back in time, a little bit


I pulled my knife on her a second ago, so she did the same. I had mine at her throat while she had hers at my chest. We were an even playing field. If either of us did anything, both of us would die right then and there.

I then feel someone hug me from behind and pull me away from gold. I froze, knowing who it was. It was Russia.... He heard... He saw.... everything went black, but I know I put my knife away and walked off. I think I pushed him off from me as well... halfway to my helmet, I started to cry, realizing what had happened.

I put my helmet on and run out. Not caring where I had run to.


I had been running for a bit down the halls to make sure they couldn't find me. But I wasn't looking, and I had bumped into someone. We had both fallen down. I was on top of her by accident. I got off, "s-sorry I wasn't looking where I was going...." I had apologized as quickly as I could.

"Don't worry bout it too much, mate! I will be fine!" She had a British vocabulary, but in a sorta American accent, it was odd.. but I wasn't paying much attention. "Oh my gosh! Are you ok?? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" She sounded like my mom.. she would be disappointed with me...

I started to cry harder than before, just thinking about my mom. She wouldn't be happy with the fact that I might kill people.. She would be scared of me,  wouldn't she? She started to hug me. "D-do,  I reminded you of someone also?" I nod while still crying. "I was told the same thing by my brother and orange's well. It's funny, honestly." She replied. Canada agrees that she acts like mom...

I shakely ask, "w-why do you care if I'm ok or not?" She had froze for a second before continuing, "Well.. you remind me of my older brother, who I don't fully remember due to him being kicked out. But he would break down after a fight with our dad. So me and my other brothers and I would help him cheer up." She had said with a bit of sadness in her voice but still so calming.

She just made me think... what if - no, she's not.. Kiwi would be more silly in this situation.. she pulled me to another room to comfort me. Canada had passed by and saw me. He told her that she could do her task while he comforted me.

"She sounds like mom, huh?" Canada said after a minute. "M-mom would be disappointed with me, Canada..." He looked shocked at me. He questions how, so I start pouring out how I'm a imposter and I was fighting with the other imposter, and the white saw and tried to comfort me, but I ran away before he could.

He was shocked but stayed and listened to me. after I finished telling everything without saying who the other imposter was, he asked the question. "D-did you kill pink?" He asked. My cat ears went down, so he thought. "N-no, I didn't... the other imposter did... but... I don't know when I will kill someone... the voices are confusing...." I looked sad because she was an Ally to me. He looked a bit puzzled, "how are the confusing?" He asked me. "Well, instead of wanting me to kill everyone... when I'm near white, they want me to k-kiss him..." My brother looked shocked, to say the least.

Before he could ask more, Russia ran in. He was looking around, and then once he saw me, he ran and hugged me. "AMERICA!! DONT DO THAT, PLEASE!!" Me and Canada were shocked and confused. "Don't do what? Also, I do know about him. He's my brother, after all." Canada replied as I couldn't.

"RUN OFF LIKE THAT! I DONT HATE YOU, I PROMISE! PLEASE JUST DONT RUN!! I-its scares me that someone might find out and vote you off...." Russia replied. I was shocked and slightly happy that he worried about that. "Y-yall aren't scared of m-me?" I asked, looking at both Canada and Russia. They both looked shocked. They both then replied, "No, that they would never be scared of me."

Canada then sighed before gently moving Russia back so he could hug me. "Mom wouldn't be disappointed with you, Bubba. I can promise you that she loves you no matter what." I hugged him back, my tail wrapped around me and my ears down sadly.

"Want me to take you to the rooms and let you calm down? I already lost someone I loved today. I don't need to lose you as well..." Russia had asked, we let go, and I nodded at Russia, feeling tired. He stands up and takes my hand to help me up, I stand still while he helps Canada up.

Russia walks to the door, Canada turns around to do a task, I try to walk, but I almost fall. Canada grabbed me before I hit the ground. Russia ran over to help Canada hold me, he starts to speak, but everything fell quiet and dark. I passed out?

Russia's POV:

I walked to the door and waited for America, I turned back to see orange doing tasks, and America took one step and fell. Orange grabbed him before he hit the ground, I ran to them to grab America from oranges grasp, I started to ask if he's ok, but I felt his body go limp. I grab him bridel style, and I run him back to the beds, orange goes to finish his tasks as I told him to.

Once we get to the rooms, I see gold on her bed and black rubbing her back. They looked up and looked shocked as I ran him to my bed as I was on a bottom bunk and he was the middle bunk on another area. Gold and black run over worried, they ask me a bunch of questions and don't stop. "SHUT UP!" I yelled at them mad and worry in my voice.

TBC!! Sorry yall, but I need to post this so yall get a TBC!! The next chapter is going to be chapter 7.5, not 8. I have plans for chapter 8, but the time I finish this, I don't have the book I wrote my plans in, and I only remember so much of it. Sorry, flame pups!

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