chapter 6: More powers

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No one's POV:

It had been a few days, and not much happened other than a few people getting more allies and such. But a few people also got their powers. America's was in the bathrooms with Russia again. It had been a bit since they kissed, so they were making out. It was rough, but to them, they loved it and didn't want it to stop.

Out on nowhere, America felt hot where Russia hands were. But he was too into the kiss to say anything. That was until a literal fire formed on his ass. The kiss had stopped, and America was panicking, trying to get it out. Russia was trying to help but somehow made it way worse.

America had got it put out after Canada came in, and he found a bucket and filled it with water to splash America with to put out the fire. Russia was shocked and just staring at his hands as they were smoking.

America walked over to look at his hands as well, but Russia backed out a bit. "I don't want to hurt you again.... I'm sorry.." He said, his tone sad and noticeably sadded at the fact he couldn't touch his lover. America didn't handle it that well but didn't show it.

America smiled very softly and said, "I don't care if I get hurt. Being next to you is all I care about." It sounded like something a Yandare would say, but to them, it meant something else. Something sweeter. It was cute.

Russia then looked at him sadly, "I know you don't care. But I do.... I don't want you to be in pain due to me just getting my powers...." . America looked at him and said. "Then I will help you control them to a limit." Russia nodded as he didn't want to hurt America.

As they played out, a lot of people got their powers, and I caused a few issues, but they all understood that it's new. But then the power went out, and everyone heard, "SORRY I FOUND OUT I CONTROL ELECTRICITY I WILL TRY TO FIX IT!" Lots of people found it funny, others a bit concerned.

Russia had distanced himself from America, at least until he could control his powers. But being away from America hurt Russia a lot.

"So... I think I can speak for all of us when I say we need to vote someone out. So we are going to put names down, and whoever agrees raises your hand." UN (teal) had started. Everyone nodded, and then someone shouted, "Yellow!" People looked around. Yellow had a terrified look on their face.

"W-what? No, no, no. I'm safe! I promise!" Ukraine said to defend herself. Ukraine looked like he was about to cry. That's for sure. But half of the group had raised their hands to vote him out. The rest of the groups votes didn't tie, so Ukraine was out of luck.

"Before you go. take off your helmet and say your name." UN demanded of Ukraine. She nodded. As she took off her helmet, she said, "My name is Ukraine... and I hope yall know yall voted the wrong person... I wouldn't hurt anyone." She started to cry at the end.

She wasn't the only one crying at the end. Russia was, too. Once he was out of the ship, everyone had gone to do task. Everyone but Russia, America, Egypt, and Germany. They had gone to the sleeping quarters to comfort Russia.

America had stood up, not looking happy. He walked to Egypt.

America's POV:

Russia was sitting on his bed, crying his eyes out. I knew that they had planned for her to be voted out. I knew it. I got so mad. They had hurt my little Russia. I got up with so much anger in my eyes and mind. None of us had our helmets on due to it being safe here. I walked up to Egypt and slapped her hard. Not caring how hard I hit her. I then dragged her out of ear shot of them without saying a thing since I stood up.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY DID YOU DO STUFF TO PIN THEM?!" I yelled at her once I closed the door. After that we were yelling back and forth, fighting.

Russia's POV:

America was rubbing my back to comfort me. But all of a sudden he stopped then stood up. I looked at him confused as he normally stays with me. Mainly when something is wrong with either of us. He walked to gold, then he slapped her really hard. It definitely startled me and black.

Then Ame grabbed gold and pulled her to a room where we would barely hear them. It's odd as he never leaves my side. They sometimes go off while black talks to me. But I heard Ame screaming at gold, then they started to fight with each other. I could barely understand what they were saying, but it wasn't good..

I get up and black trys to stop me from going in the room. They didn't lock the door, just closed it. I walked in, but what I heard and saw scared me. "WHY DID YOU KILL HER NOT SOMEONE ELSE?!" Ame screamed at gold. "BECAUSE PINK WALKED IN ON ME A BLACK TALKING ABOUT YOU! WE DIDN'T KNOW THE UKRAINE WAS WHITES SIBLING! THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!" Gold yells back. So they are the imposters...

Gold got my little sibling killed.... the thing that scared me the most was the fact that their eyes.... Black all around with red eyes... it was creepy... Ame was holding a knife at Gold's Throat. While she held a knife at his chest, 1 wrong move from either of them and both of them were dead.

I pulled America back to hug him to help calm him down, but he was too upset as he pushed me off and walked out, putting the knife away and putting his helmet on as he stormed off. Gold looked at me like she saw a ghost. "Y-you weren't meant to see that... germ wth you were meant to stop him!" She started to panic, saying. "I did. It's not vy favlt. He wolked overr iknoring me." Black said, clearly upset she would think he didn't try.

I walked out and put my helmet on to go find America. I wanted an explanation, from him, and him only. They both tried to stop me from leaving, but I shot them death glares. So, I had set out to find America.

Hey, sorry guys, for not posting! I had been busy! Also, if I don't post another chapter by Sunday, then I won't post for the whole week as I'm going on a trip where I won't have any devices. Love yall, my flaming pups!

The Non-Sus kitten (RusAme Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें