Chapter 1 : The First meet

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America's POV :

Well, I'm in a box about to go to space. Now you might be asking, " Wait, America, how did you get there?" Not by choice. I can tell you that.

A few days before:

I was at home with my kids running around when someone knocked at the door. I didn't hear it, though.

Utah POV:

I heard someone at the door, but dad looked busy and didn't hear it due to Hawaii and New York fighting and Connecticut trying to break them up.

So I go to the door and open it. The men dressed in black suits scared me a bit. "Is America English here?" Spoke one of them in a deep harsh tone. I nod, then look into the living room and shout over the two fighting, "Daddddd, some scary men in black suits are at the door asking for you!!". The whole house got quiet, quickly.

Dad got up, and some of the others were at the stairs watching the men quietly, and the others peeked past the wall to watch.

America POV:

I go to the door, Utah wasn't kidding they are scary men in black suits. "Hi, you asked for me?" I said in the most calm voice I could. "Yes. We are with the head Gov." They take out their badges, then I gulp wondering if I did something wrong. "We are here to take you to the head Gov as you have been picked for a special test. So come willingly or forcefully." I look back at my States. They look horrified to the core. I look back and say, "So... I have to go? Why? What even is the test?"

"That is information we can not disclose with you. Now come willingly or forcefully." They deadpan. It's my turn to look horrified. So now I just ask them, "Can I at least grab some clothes just in case?". They gave me a nod, so they went back to their car while I had to grab my stuff. I told the states to look after each other while I'm gone and to not blow up the house. I told them I would be back soon.

Present time:

So here I am in a box. Going to space, with powers now. I was told I have animal Shifter abilities, but I haven't gotten it to work yet. I wonder if I will see my States again.

Third person POV:

A countdown begins for all Countrys as they begin to go to space. Then they are shot up to space, not knowing of each other. After about 2 minutes, they all get the option of "ready?" Once all click the 'ready' button, their doors open.

New Zealand and UN are the first two to step out of boxes. After a few, everyone was out and had seen each other. America, aka Red, was in the corner, not interested in the others. "Konichiwa red! I'm Pink!" Pink had gone to talk to Red, but red just brushed her off as he was thinking of other stuff.

Japan's POV:

Rude! Red just brushed me off! Hmm, let's try again... "Red? Are you ok? I just wanted to say hi to a new friend!" I wait for a response for a bit. Then I hear a sigh come from him. "I'm red. Now leave me alone. I just want this shit to be over with so I can get home to my kids."

I feel bad. He was taken from his kids. I just feel so bad for him. He shouldn't be here... "How many kids do you have?" I ask in a nice tone. "50. Most of them are twins, though. And before you ask. No, I don't have a wife. No, I didn't give birth. I adopted them from my brother. Well... half of them.

"Did something happen to him?" I ask even though it is not my business. "I had to kill him as he was a bad person. He abused his own kids. Plus, he tried to kill me as well, so.. yeah. I killed him." He answered. I was dumbfounded, I didn't expect that if anything. "Oh," was all I could say until we were called to the big table.

Third person POV:

Everyone was called as one of the members found a note from the head GOV. "Welcome all! We wanted to test some new things so you all are going to stay here while yalls powers kick in. As told before, names are optional, but for a bit, stick to your colors before names. Tell your name to those you trust. 2 of yall will become insane due to your power taking over your mind. Now we don't know who or we wouldn't have sent them. But yall task is to find them and vote them off the ship while yall fix it. Becareful of voting the wrong person. You will kill an innocent person if you do! Good luck, and have fun with your powers! - Head GOV" The leader like person, pink-gray read out.

The others seemed a bit more shocked than a few others. But then, as the doors opened, a few walked out, wanting to get it over with.

Hi guys! Thank you all for reading this chapter! As I said in the description I started this in a car on a roadtrip. Now, I finished this 1 chapter and the introduction in the same sitting. The GPS says 2hr left basically. Also it was dark when I started this now its turning day time as it's 5:30 funking am! I'm in the EST timezone btw have been this whole time 💀 welp imma pass out hopefully. Then over time of going back or something I will write again. Idk imma be in a car alot these next 3 weeks. Welp byeee see yall next chapter!!

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