chapter 4: The first kill and sus's

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No one's POV:

In the morning, everyone woke up and put their suits on. Russia walked out first and went to the cafeteria to wait for everyone. He had brought some string and a harness, so he made the string thick and very hard to break and tied it on the harness and made sure it was secure to not break.

The others were slowly coming out of the room and sitting down at tables to talk after everyone got in the doors closed and everyone could hear a hissing sound. They were looking around worried. Then, on the TV, it showed a message after the hissing stopped it said, "You may safely remove your helmets and eat."

After reading that, they got up to get their food and drinks after marking their seats with their helmets. They talked and ate. After all trash was thrown away, a beep happened, and on the TV, it said, "Pease put your helmets back on and get ready for your tasks."

Everyone did so and split up. Russia had gone to America and put the harness on. He didn't know how to get it off, so he accepted the fact that he was stuck. The voices grew louder telling him to go to Electrical. He asked Russia to go there but was denied.

America's POV:

I need to go there. These voices are getting louder. Fuck it. I'm running. I sprinted and managed to make White lose his grip and so I run off listening to the voices. I look back to see him looking out the door, then going back in to finish his tasks, so I go there, and I see gold and black in there. Then, out of nowhere, I felt the need to attack gold with the knife I had in my pocket.

I grab the knife and then go for gold. She turns around and pulls out a knife to hold me back, but she's too weak for me, so she falls and hits the ground. That was when I saw it. Her eyes were red when she had her knife out. I looked at my reflection to see my eyes did the same, but now they are back to normal.

I hold out my hand for her. She smiles and grabs it as I help her stand. "So we both hear the voices?" She asked me. I simply nodded. Black then said, "Well, don't kill me because I'm on yalls side. I can help protect gold from being voted off." I look at him then at gold. I nodded and then asked, "So.. we will be going insane? Then are your voices bad because mine aren't... well... kinda..." she looked confused.

"Yours aren't bad? What's the worst they said to you?"  I stared at both of them who were in front of me but halfway across the room. "They told me to kill you both and teal for walking into the room when me and white were talking. They said yall ruined the moment or something." They both looked shocked. Like I killed someone.

"What do they normally say?" I shrugged and said, "they normally tell me to kiss White or to protect him with my life, or to stay next to him at all times. Don't tell White I said that, though... I altered it a bit for him when he asked me..." They both nodded, to which I sighed in relief on.

"That's odd... mine tell me to kill someone or to sabotage something. Even with black, they tell me to kill him.." I shrugged when I heard white call me out before entering and walking over to us.

"Hey, what's up?" Gold looks at black then wispers something I hear for some reason. "They are telling me not to kill him but to save him. Wtf is going on with white to where they tell us not to kill him." Black looks shocked but shrugged.

Then out of nowhere white says "Huh. How come you have cat ears red?" I looked at him so blankly. "What?" I just ask. Then gold pets my head but it feels so nice Then I here black say "he's- purring? Huh... maybe that's his power is animal related?"

I wasn't fully listening as the pets and scratches felt so good at the moment. Then the pets stopped so I made a sound I regret so badly. I made a sad cat whimper. I had realized I just acted like a fuckin cat. I had thrown my hands in front of my helmet so quickly after realizing that.

They all laughed, then white started to pet me, but due to my embarrassment, I didn't want to be pet again, so I accidentally hissed and swatted his hand away like a cat again.

They all busted out laughing, but that didn't make me happy. Only sad for some reason. So I ran out and back to the rooms, then I became short, so I hid under the bed. It was whites bed. I felt safe there.

Russia's POV:

After gold had stopped petting red, I had tried to pet him as well as I thought him purring was so cute! But he might have been too embarrassed because when I started to pet him, he hissed and swatted my hand away. I started to burst out laughing because that was so cute and adorable, but shortly after, he ran out out of the room. I tried to run after him but I had failed and I lost where he went. 

After about 30 minutes a meeting was called so I went there hoping to see red there. I got there, then the meeting started. I looked for red but didn't see him.

"Hello, everyone," teal started. "So. As you can tell, we are missing someone. That someone is pink. She was killed recently." Everyone, including me, gasped. Our first murder. Huh. "Does anyone know who was with pink last?"

"I'm sure I saw yellow with her last." Everyone looked at yellow, "yes, I was with her. But we had split up to do our tasks quicker. She had a task in electrical and i didn't so she went in there while I went to admin to do my card swipe. That was the last time I saw her, though." Everyone seemed sus of her but decided against it as they didn't have enough proof.

The meeting was dismissed but I asked if anyone saw red and yellow said she saw his suit in the sleeping quarters. So I headed there quickly. She was right his suit was here meaning he didn't know of the meeting. So I called out. "Red?! You in here? I didn't mean to make you sad! I promise!"

Then I heard a tiny meow from under my bed. I went over and looked under. I saw a small kitten. I knew it was him so I picked him up then I laid back on my bed as I put him on my lap. He curled up on me as I softly pet him.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or sad even. I wasn't laughing at you, I promise. I was just laughing cuz I thought it was cute on what you did." He looked up at me like he was saying, really? So I just petted him and hummed a yes.

Teal walked in then asked where the cat came from, so I looked down at red. He nodded, "this is red, he got his powers I'm guessing." He nodded in confirmation. Teal then explained what happen in the meeting to him due to him missing it. He was shocked but understood.

After a bit, he fell asleep and then turned human again. Then we cuddled due to him not releasing my shirt from his grasp. He had ears and a tail, and his tail wrapped around me, and small claws were holding on to my shirt like I was going to die on him. It was cute. Luckily, I had finished my tasks. And I kissed him on the head, which made him purr very loudly, I subconsciously started to pet him as I started to fall asleep due to his calming purrs. Then I fell asleep as well.

Long chapter! Sorry bout that but it took me no time at all due to me being in a car alot yesterday and today. Anywho see yall next chapter my flaming pups!

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