chapter 7.5: the past of red

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Warning! This chapter has mentions of Sex but I'm not writing smut unless yall want it. So no smut this chapter, but maybe next post if yall want it tho-
No one's POV:

After they put America down on Russias bed, Egypt and Germany rushed over from Egypts bed. "Is he ok?!" Egypt asked, sounding concerned. "I-i don't know! He just passed out when he tried to walk back!" Russia said frantically, worried for his crushes health. Egypt pushes Russia aside, he was about to yell, but he sees her eyes, so he shuts up,

She puts her hand on America's head, and her hand glows, her eyes close, but she starts to speak. "Hm? That must be his dad.... why is he yelling at red?..... oh no.... he hit him.... wait.... orange is there.. he's trying to stop.... oh, his dad hit him too for trying to stop him....." she's explaining what's happening while he's dreaming. Though it seems he's having a memory. Canada came in, and no one noticed he came to check on them.

"I'm guessing their mother came in.. she's holding a baby... a baby girl... and a little boy runs to orange scared... wait... I hear something...." Everyone looks confused as to what she hears. "Get the fuck out of my house mistake." Her face changes to anger after repeating what she heard. Canada drops his helmet in shock. He knew. "T-thats what dad said to him when he kicked him out.... many years ago... he visited once and met our little sister a brother fully but when our dad saw him he kicked his stomach not realizing he was pregnant with a new state... it died..." Everyone looked at Canada shocked.

Egypt reclosed her eyes as the scene changed. "Scene changed. The location is different... wait... is that a kid?! They are talking but I don't hear anything... they look happy... wait I heard a door break down... who the fuck is that?! Wait... reds screaming... the kid is grabbed by the dude... red he... he trys to grab the kid but he get kicked hard... wait... the kid I hear them..." Everyone is confused and shocked even Canada doesn't know what's happening.

"Mom, no mom help. I don't want to go with dad. Help. Mama, help. Sissy, Bubba help." Egypt had repeated what the kid said. But she doesn't stop until America says something. "Red spoke. He said... South Carolina. Trust me, everything will be ok... just go with him. I will see you soon. My baby boy...." she looks sad at those words that she said. "Another kid came down from the stairs... they looked between their brother and red... they red to red trying to help him while asking to save their brother... this is so sad.... why did this happen to him..."

Everyone had a sad look on their face. That's when Egypt opened her eyes, and they were back to normal. She looked at America as his eyes opened.

America's POV:

I start to wake up after being reminded of the two worst things in my life.... the moment I sit up, I feel like 4 people are hugging me. I opened my eyes to fully see Canada, Russia, Egypt, and black, all hugging me with tears in their eyes.

"W-why are yall crying?" Black, get off me and say in his heavy accent. "Ve know vhat happened to vou." I looked shocked but pushed it off, not knowing what he was talking about. "What d-do you mean?" Everyone peels off of me except for Russia. He was on top of me, nuzzling my stomach.

It hurt as I have been kicked and punched there, but it also felt comforting with him on me like that. "Who was that dude who took your kid?" Egypt had asked. I froze with fear. "W-what do you -" I tried to talk but got cut off. "The dude who had a red and white X and blue backdrop with white stars in the red part of the X." I looked like I had seen a ghost, and my ears slowly moved farther back fear, my tail wrapped around me showing I was scared.

"Baby bro, you ok?" I heard Canada ask me. I could barely hear, though. I didn't hear anything, but it sounded like Canada said my name. "Ameika, can vou hear meh?" I looked up terror in my eyes as I tried to figure out who said that. I look at black, and he nods, meaning he spoke.

"Can vou hear meh?" He repeated. I nodded, then shook my head, meaning yes, but not good. He understood that. "I need vou to breathe slowly. It vill halp vou." I nodded slightly, but I struggled to breathe slowly like he said, which made me panic more as memories of me being hit for not listening and doing as told came back into my mind.

He shakes his head. "Breathe with my count. Breath in.... 1.... 2.... 3..." He starts to count as I follow what he says. After a few minutes, I had calmed down, and my breathing was stable again. "Can you answer now, or will you panic again?" Egypt said in a calm and sweet voice to not panic me.

I nod as i take a deep breath. "His name is Confederate..... my... ex... he took half of my kids.... he almost killed one who wasn't even born yet..." I teared up as I held my stomach. "Can you get pregnant?" I nod, but they were confused, even Canada, as I never told him how I could yet. "I can get pregnant, but I have male looks, and I even have a dick.. but I have a female reproductive system. Just instead of a Virginia... it's all in my ass..." They looked shocked, but it made sense.

They patted my head, showing that they didn't mind. But I felt that Russia was awake but hendidnt talk or make much movement. I was wondering what he was thinking about all of this..

Russia's POV: (You thought I was going to end it there, huh? Nope! Haha!!)

I listen very closely. I swear when we get out of this I will find his ex, tie him up then force him to watch me fuck Ame and get him pregnant with our kid. Then I will kill him so he never hurts Ame again.

I feel movement so I look up at Ame and I see him looking at me and trying to move me off so I looked puzzled as I nuzzled his stomach trying to tell him what I'm thinking of doing right now. It takes him a minute before he realizes, I know, because he froze and started to blush so much. I smiled as orange questions if he's ok and if he had a fever.

Ame tells him he's fine. Gold realized shortly to as she starts to push the others out, once they are out she yells at us, "Don't make to much noise you two!!! Have funnnn~!!" I could hear it as he realized at started to get through the door to yell at me not to screw his brother. But the other two pull him away to leave us be.

"Do you -" I tried to ask, but he pulled my head up as he kissed me. I was shocked, but I fell into the pleasure of the kiss. We pulled off as I asked again, "Do you want to have sex with me?" I asked again. He looked nervous, but he nodded his head. So I started the show as I took us into the bathroom so that way if someone comes inside, they won't see it.

Thank yall for reading this book, pups! It makes me so happy when I see that people actually like my story!

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