Chapter 12

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UA Highschool Outdoor Sports Field: Aizawa Shouta Pov.

Aizawa honestly wanted to go home. No, seriously, he was ready to pack his bags at any given time and stay holed up in his apartment for an entire week (at least if he could afford it).

He swears one day that the green-haired teenager will be the death of him. He's already stated in his will that if anything were to happen to him it was either his husband's or the kid's fault. His husband for once didn't laugh at him. He went straight ahead to call their medical insurance company to see if there were any courses or options available they could add to their already existing plan in preparation for future medical bills that they would indefinitely receive. He also went to the pharmacy to pick up a year's worth of medicine for everything.

His dear son also bought him an electric hot water bottle to relieve his stomach pain, hoping it would lessen his burdens just a bit. It was a touching gift and he couldn't thank his son enough. Such a perfect adorable darling was wasted on those asshats. He still had a hard time understanding why the boy's biological parents could even stand to be so cruel to him when he was such a fluffball. But then again if it weren't for them giving birth to this wonderful boy, they never would have had the chance to meet him let alone become a part of his family.

The world really worked in mysterious ways. At one time he had been a poor lonely abused abandoned child with no hopes or dreams for the future. Let alone thinking about having a family he was more concerned whether or not he would be able to survive the next day. But here he was now a proud father of a child and husband of a goddamn annoying idiot. In great contrast to his childhood, every day he was living and leading a life filled with joy and laughter.

The only real blight in his life is that unlike his son he had never received the justice he deserved for all the abuse he suffered as his abuser had disappeared into the dark of the night right after he abandoned him all those years ago. Even to this day, nobody knows where, how, or what his biological father was doing. He doesn't even know if the man is even alive or not. However, considering his rather quite sketchy and sloppy lifestyle he wouldn't find it strange if the remains of his drowned corpse surfaced somewhere in the Tokyo Bay area.

To be honest, he couldn't find it in himself to care that much anymore. Maybe when he had still been a child he had held some hope for his father. Even when he had been beaten and yelled at he had at the time believed that somewhere in his father's heart he had some affection towards him. Otherwise, the man wouldn't bother keeping such a villainous child by his side for so long. He thought that maybe as long as he worked hard enough one day his father would shower him with love like the other parents he saw in a TV advertisement. However, all of that hope vanished when he had finally come to the realization that his father had abandoned him after waiting for so long in that small dirty dark apartment without any food or water.

Something snapped inside him that day and all his hopes and expectations for his father disappeared in that moment, replaced with a cold feeling of indifference. People found him creepy at how a young child like him was so easily able to adapt to his situation. Unlike the other children, he didn't cry nor feel sad that his father was gone nor was he in denial. All he stated was that he couldn't care less with an emotionless look on his face that made adults question his well...

The orphanage director was the only one in the entire place that treated him normally. He even refused to have the child evaluated for psychopathy. Instead, he had referred the child to an understanding and caring counselor who specialized in neglect and abuse-related trauma.

He couldn't ever be more grateful to the director. The man was probably the closest thing he had to a parental figure. So, he took every opportunity to return even the bit of kindness he had received from the man.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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