Chapter 5

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Aldera Middle School; Classroom: Katsuki Bakugou Pov.

Katsuki irritatedly taps his fingers on the top of his desk as he counts the minutes passing by on the clock. There's only one minute left until the teacher comes into class and starts his usual morning roll call routine.

Everyone including him has already set their textbooks and notebooks as well as dictionary out on their desks in preparation for their classical literature class which also happens to be one of the most difficult classes in this godforsaken low-level school thanks to a certain senior who had inadvertently humiliated the teacher turning him into a goddamn petty shitty ass teacher.

Well not that he wasn't one in the first place. The teacher always had it out for certain pretty faces and basically used his class as a way to snuff them all out. He would use literally anything even the smallest things and use them as excuses to mock the heck out of them turning those students into a fucking crying mess. Then he would go pretend to comfort the student by lining kind pretty words whilst also sexually harassing comments in the mix, all but demeaning them in a roundabout manner until the student would have enough of it and run out of the classroom out of their own accord.

Normally one would think that this loser-ass teacher would have been fired a long time ago for emotionally abusing and sexually harassing the students. But unfortunately, none of those bullied-ass students ever had the courage to confront the school about it and the others well couldn't really bring themselves to care less.

They mean why should they pity these jerkasses who think they can get away with everything just because they had nice faces? After all, they were just spoiled pampered privileged people who got anything they wanted by simply throwing a nice smile into someone's face from time to time.

So of course the teacher on his high horses got even cockier and bolder as time went on with no one to stop him that was until that senior arrived.

The teacher was going on his usual routine taking roll call of the new students when he spotted the senior as one of the students rose down to their seats after being called. The senior was needless to say absolutely drop-dead gorgeous.

He had beautiful clear emerald-colored crystal eyes decorated with long eyelashes and naturally defined arched eyebrows that complimented his sharp and distinct facial features. His medium-long raven dark hair was as smooth as silk without a single split end. His skin was a bit tanned but in a good way giving it a somewhat healthy shine to his overall appearance. Not to mention the soft... cough...

So it was no wonder that when the senior stood up to answer the roll call, he immediately caught the attention of almost all of the students in the classroom who couldn't help but take a glimpse of the peerless beauty who also in addition had a beautiful voice to match his ethereal appearance.

Obviously, it didn't take long for him to become the teacher's new target of the year. After roll call was over and class started, the teacher as expected threw a few questions to the students to measure the literacy level of his students. He started from all the basic questions mostly based on what they had learned during their elementary school years. Everything was going smoothly with everyone answering left to right as the teacher pointed out to them to answer the questions.

Then suddenly the teacher pointed at the senior and gave the widest smile he possibly could before he asked him to translate one of the poems from the Genji series. Everyone's mouth popped open who in the fucking classroom could answer that!? They were just first-year middle school students haven't even been taught that subject yet! They just opened their textbooks today and the teacher expects the senior to answer something a second-year middle school student is supposed to know. Is he fucking kidding!?

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