Chapter 8

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The Entrance Exams: Midoriya Kazuya Pov.

Kazuya couldn't help but worry for his brother conjuring up all the worst-case possible scenarios in his mind. As a result, this led him to apply for a part-time job as one of the welcoming staff in charge of guiding the students to the entrance exam stadium and explaining the general process of the registered application and ID identification.

Some of the middle school students kept on gawking at him whispering and giggling amongst themselves as he guided them to the direction of the stadium. His friend who also applied for the part-time job was having a hard time batting away the young teenagers who had instantly become infatuated with the heavenly celestial being the moment they first laid their eyes on him. The glasses he wore in an attempt to hide from his brother weren't really working. In fact, if anything it just made the young man even more dazzling.

At this rate, they might have a huge crisis on their hands so Kei called in for reinforcements in the form of the Midoriya Kazuya cult. Hey, they might be lunatics but at least they were useful. Luckily, with that, they prevented a riot from starting unbeknownst to the young teenager who had started it all.

Really Kazuya is way too oblivious of his charms...

In his mind, anyone who approached without any unfound reason had malicious intent towards him. That level of caution was good and all except he didn't understand what exactly kind of malicious intent these people had for him!

Kazuya knows he has a pretty unique appearance that attracted unwanted attention. In his past life as Shen Qingiu, being unique was never a good thing and it always made him the target of ridicule and criticism by the people who surrounded him.

The slave traders saw him as a useless product unable to attract potential buyers due to his unusual eyes.

Qiu Jianluo took an interest in his rare jade green eyes and saw him as an interesting pet of sorts to pass his boredom with.

Wu Yanzi saw his appearance as a good money-making opportunity by using him to lure unsuspecting noblemen into his trap.

The previous Qing Jing Peak Lord found his eyes rather peculiar allowing him to stay by his side like a subject for observation.

His martial siblings on Qing Jing Peak found his jade green eyes to be odd and creepy always whispering about how disgusting it was.

The Cang Qiong Sect Peak Lords always felt his appearance was too harsh and cold, especially his piercing jade green eyes that crept or annoyed the hell out of them making them want to run out of the room the moment he walked in.

That beast laughed as he literally dug out his hateful disgusting eyes that haunted his dreams.

The only person who ever told him that he looked decent was Qi-Ge. However, he only said it once and he never heard him say those ever again even after they reunited. He would always avoid looking at him making Shen Qingqiu realize that back then Qi-Ge hadn't meant what he said and merely said it out of politeness...

From the moment he was born everything was wrong with him. His appearance had been an indicator of how much disgusting filthy trash he actually was. There was nothing he could do to make things right because in the end that was just who he was. So it was no wonder he bought the ire and hatred of so many people even including his own Qi-Ge...

Shen Qingqiu never realized how his ethereally celestial beauty had attracted both the admiration and envy of those around him. They most especially envied his jade green eyes that highlighted his sharp distinct facial features and complimented them so much. They made him look as though he was something of heaven's creation rather than a simple human being. He truly looked like a heavenly celestial being who had descended from the heavenly realms depicted in old legends and paintings.

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