Chapter 6

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Drama in the classroom: Midoriya Izuku Pov.

Izuku hums as he quickly packs his textbooks and notes right into his indestructible backpack that his brother's childhood friend had gifted him last year for his birthday after she had finished finalizing the overall design.

Some of his classmates wave goodbye to him for the day whilst also warning him to keep out of trouble unless he wanted to get fried alive by Kazu-Nii again. The young boy awkwardly laughs saying that he'll try. Some of his other classmates approach him asking him various questions about the assignment the literature teacher passed down to them for the day. One of them even went so far as to beg on his knees for the young teenager's help saying that his parents will kill him if he flunks this class again.

Izuku tries to help his classmates the best he could and provide them as much advice as he can regarding their individual assignments that are until Hii-chan shows up and shoos them off away. As always he gets scolded by his childhood friend for being such a goody-two-shoes. But he simply couldn't help himself, he couldn't ignore someone who was in need, especially with those sad droopy puppy eyes.

Hii-chan then tells him as he always does that one-day Izuku will get into serious trouble someday if he continues letting people take advantage of him like this. Wanting to help people is a good thing but overindulging them isn't good for either side, especially his side. The young teenager to take better care of himself and not only watch out for others.

It was around then that Kacchan and his gang show up. Hii-chan clicks his tongue "Not this bullshit again. Seriously, don't you guys have better things to do with your life? Oh wait I remember you don't have one"

"You!" One of Kacchan's lackeys' faces turns steaming hot red. However, before he could do anything about it he is stopped by the blond-haired teenager who glares at him for him to stay in his place. The teenager visibly shrinks at his boss's frightening glare and goes to hide behind the other lackey's back.

"So Shitty nerd you're applying for UA huh?" The blond teenager gruff at him

Izuku barely manages to stop his childhood friend from lunging himself at him. He shakes his head at him pleading for him to let him handle this matter himself.

Hii-chan pouts but backs down anyhow. Izuku then turns back over to his former childhood now turned to bully "Yes Kacchan you know it's been my dream to be a hero like All Might and that's exactly what I'm going to do no matter what you tell me"

"Really you think they'll accept a whiney nerd like you who always goes crying to your big bro for help? How pathetic" Katsuki smirks

Again Izuku has to stop Hii-chan from starting an all-out brawl with the moves his brother taught them a couple of weeks ago.

Izuku takes a deep breath calming his nerves first before speaking out "You're right I'm no match against Kazu-nii then so what? Kazu-nii is Kazu-nii and I am me. Just because I'm not like him doesn't mean I'm worthless. I have my own merits and strength and I plan on using them to get into UA no matter what"

"You!" The lackey tries to retort until they are interrupted midway by his childhood friend

Hii-chan snorts "You know what Bakugo compared to everyone here in the classroom you're the biggest loser here. Look around Bakugo." the purple-haired boy opens his arms wide "Everyone here has grown up! None of us ain't the little kids that you used to boss around anymore. We're all bonafide teenagers who've been working our asses off to make our dreams come true. We don't waste time harassing other people like you because we have more important things to focus on! Face it Bakugo you're the only spoiled snot-nosed kid around here who has his ass stuck in his past glory!"

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