Extra: Undying Regrets

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After their demise at the hands of the self-proclaimed Demon Emperor Luo Binghe, the former members of the Cang Qiong Mountain Sect were unable to ascend into the heavenly realm as they had yet to finish their training and enter the reincarnation cycle. Each lifetime they are cursed to remember their horrific past lives.

Liu Qingge stood there on the rooftop of the building angrily beating the former Xuan Su sword half dead blaming him for the death of their martial brother whom they had greatly wronged in their past life.


First life: Liu Qiang/Qingge the third young master of the Liu Dukedom and later the Bai Zhan War God of the Cang Qiong Mountain Sect.

A young healthy energetic infant was born on a bright shiny refreshing day to Duke Liu and Madam Liu as the third son of the Liu Dukedom. They named him Liu Qiang in hopes of him becoming a strong man just like his father who was the grand general of the imperial army.

The Duke was a trusted military minister whom the emperor favored very much. To show his sincerity he even offered his young princess to the young Liu ducal heir as his official first consort. In response to his sincerity, the Grand General offered his undying loyalty and service to the great wise emperor whom he indefinitely respected and revered from the bottom of his heart.

Liu Qiang like the rest of his family was expected to pursue a military career in the far future and fulfill his filial duties to his country. While he carried great responsibilities as one of the Liu Clansmen, compared to his older siblings the burdens he had to carry on his shoulders were minuscule.

The third young master was allowed to grow up in a carefree environment playing as he pleased while he ran away from the naggy tutors who always poured water onto his fun. Since he was the third son he was granted some freedom to a certain extent so long as he didn't shame his family name.

The Duke and his wife heavily doted on the child as he was the youngest and whom they believed to be their final child until Liu Mingyan's birth that is. The two older brothers also spoiled the hell out of their baby brother and often encouraged his straightforward blunt mouth and stubborn personality. The servants and slaves indulged the young master all of them quivering in fear of the consequences should they ever refuse his outrageous requests.

As one would expect of such an upbringing the young master eventually grew into a stubborn head spoiled brat.

It was only luck that he at the very least had a fixed moral compass and a strong sense of justice one of the classic traits that were said to define the Liu Clan.

However, that being said the Duke and Madam saw early on the consequences of their constant doting would have on the young master's education. Liu Qiang was very blunt and not exactly in a good way. He wore his emotions on his face and spoke what he believed was the truth causing quite a lot of conflict in certain formal events.

The boy was stubborn to a fault and couldn't see past the narrow sense of view he had created for himself. He was unable to sympathize with others for their situation much less take it into account when facing them. As a result, he came off as arrogant and haughty in a certain part of the high aristocratic circle.

The Grand General immediately turned pale when he saw his son badmouthing a respected general and fellow colleague of his for his cowardice. The boy simply couldn't understand that the general had no choice but to make that strategic retreat in face of the overwhelming numbers of soldiers coming his way. Had he not made that retreat the thousands of soldiers under his command would have died a meaningless death especially when reinforcements were coming their way. Later they met with the reinforcements brought by General Huang and defeated the enemy forces finally taking control of the Qin State.

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