Chapter 4

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On the way to school: Midoriya Izuku Pov.

"Come on Izuku we're going to be late for school." His childhood friend Shinso Hitoshi aka Hii-chan sighs not being able to tolerate it anymore. He's been waiting for almost half an hour and yet Izuku is still focusing on this very interesting fight between a new hotshot rookie hero and a villain with a mutation quirk. Although he'll also admit this was a very interesting fight at the rate they were going with they were going to be expediently late to school and not only that on the first day!

"I just need one more minute" Izuku replied to his friend only glancing at him for a sec before returning his focus back onto his quirk analysis notebook number 13. This was too interesting of a fight to just simply let go. Most especially the rare combination of a mutant and gigantic quirk was something he absolutely could not miss!

Being so immersed in recording this new quirk down to his notebook he misses the way Hii-chan slaps himself in the face for his naivety in trying to convince his friend to leave with him obediently in the face of all this excitement. He's long known about Izuku's absolute fascination and obsession with quirks and is one of the few people who don't really have a problem with it all since this was what brought them together in the first place and allowed him to escape that abusive fucking excuse of a home but still...

But still, if things kept going the way they were they were really going to be late. Ok time to go with that hand "You said that like 30 minutes ago and we're still here. At this rate, we're really going to be late for school. Don't blame me if Kazuya-san decides to throw your entire All Might collection out of the window when he hears how you were late on the first day to school"

Izuku instantly shuts his notebook hearing that sentence "I'm so sorry Hii-chan, you're right we should get going right this instant"

His friend huffs and internally cheers at his small but still victory over this almost impossible challenge of getting his friend's attention. However, his small happiness is instantly taken away when suddenly an enormous shadow steps over them.

Izuku instantly looks up to find his eyes mesmerized by the appearance of a new hero!

"CANYON CANNON" Using the momentum of surprise the enormous woman sends a good flying kick right into the villain's face instantly sending him tumbling down from the train tracks he was just fighting on momentarily before with the rookie hero Shinrin Kamui.

To be honest, the kick was very sloppy and under normal circumstances, if it weren't for the fact that she was 10 times larger and therefore probably heavier than the villain then the attack really wouldn't have much of an impact. The fact that it landed at all was a miracle in itself, had the villain been not so occupied by Shinrin Kamui's signature attack he could have easily dodged the kick without much effort to which he suspects why she used that exact timing. Overall he would give 3 out of 10 points mostly for her strategy to use the rookie hero's attack minus the obvious fact that she just gave away her chance of a surprise attack by shouting her move name since in the hero world heroes were supposed to shout their move name no matter the situation.

An act that his brother pointed out was just uselessly flashy and had no real effect in a 'real battle' as he put it. It wasn't even useful as a tool for intimidation. In fact, it was more of a pain in the ass in his brother's opinion. Something Izuku also had to agree on despite his great disappointment after weighing the pros and cons in where obviously the cons outweighed the pros. Even Izuku found it hard to chant some of the spells his brother whilst amidst their brawls. He was extremely of the way his brother didn't have to even chant due to his innate talent in energy manipulation due to the high spiritual cultivation that allowed him to manipulate the majority of the spells even some of the advanced ones.

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