Chapter 1 [Rewrite]

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I can hear it.

The wood cracking.

My eyes open to a hazy view of my moldy roof. The horrible stench of what I could only describe as piss mixed with shit, or pshit as I like to call it, was the only thing I could catch a whiff of.

Lovely, I wake up with my head pounding, caked in sweat, half naked and smelling like pshit.

Every square inch of this hell is a disgusting mess.

It's not like this place is in any better shape though.

My eyes wander around the desecrated room, remembering all of its contents.

The tables, with wood so decrepit they could sink under their own weight. The chairs, a combination of rust and metal that made it nearly impossible to sit on without contracting tetanus.

The floor, half shattered tiles and beyond moldy carpeting that no one could save.

Yeah, the walls and roof too.

The walls, with the paint completely scratched off and whatever dignity this abomination of a room ever had, really brought the shit hole together.

My eyes clear up, and I managed to let out a sigh as the wood began to crack again.

Part of me hoped the roof did collapse, and crushed me to death underneath it.

The other half of me wanted to tear my face off for hitting rock bottom like this.

But I, don't give a shit about either of those parts of me.

I slowly get up, even though I was woozy, I was still able to stand.

My legs felt like jelly, worse yet, my brain felt like mush. I spend the time to catch my breath. Only a few moments pass before I look down at my arm.

The belt strapped around it made the bottom portion of my arm turn purple. Not to mention the needle sticking out.

Of course...

I sighed, and pull the needle out before tossing it on the ground. With a few grunts, I managed to get the belt off too.

I brush off a roach that I only just noticed crawling on my shoulder before slowly limping along to the 'kitchen.'

I limp to the pantry and open it. A massive swarm of roaches and rats scurry along the ground and rub against my bare feet.

I ignore that, like I ignore every other disgusting thing in here and grab a box of cereal.

As I pull the box out of the pantry, a massive rat falls out of the box with a plop, before scurrying off like the rest of them.

The box was empty.

I toss the box to the ground on top of the few roaches that decided to stay still.

Fuck man, can't even enjoy cereal in this fuckin' hell hole.

I reach into the busted fridge, only to see expired milk and a half eaten apple that seemed to have mold groaning on it.

I pick the apple out, and tear half of the apple off.

It doesn't make a difference, but it gives me peace of mind.

I bite down on the apple and leave the kitchen. My retreating footsteps alert the roaches and rats that they may return to their natural spots.

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