Chapter 11

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The girls stared at me, clearly unsettled by my statements. I look at them with the most indifference I could muster.

Me: "Does that scare you? Any of you? Are you frightened? Disturbed? Hurt? Confused? All of the above?"

Akali, the girl on the far most left, spoke up for her bandmates.

Akali: "You're rude man, there's no need to be a fuckin dickhead of a manager."

I chuckled.

Me: "Oh but there is, Ms. Theti, would you like to see why?"

I notice Kai'sa, the tallest of the group, seemed curious about my suggestion.

Kai'sa: "Even if there is a reason, people deserve some kindness, all people, Mr. L/n."

I smile.

Me: "Ah... so I was correct in my assumption."

They are good people.

I take a small sigh of relaxation.

Perhaps this will be a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would.

I unbutton my shirt, the girls seeming dumbfounded by my actions, so I reassure them with a smile.

Me: "Just watch."

I finish unbuttoning my shirt, and I begin to slide it off my shoulders. The shirt falls to the side revealing my bare upper body.

Everyone is gets on alert as they analyze my body all over.

The scars, that had healed, and the ones that haven't.

All were visible for them to see.

I pointed to one about four inches from my bellybutton.

Me: "I got this one from a crackhead with a broken bottle. He tried to rob me outside of a gas station."

I slide my hand to a point under my lung, feeling all the cracked skin as I do.

Me: "This one was from getting jumped in an alleyway, just a block from my 'apartment'."

I love my hand to my lower jaw.

Me: "And this one, this one I got from a drug addict breaking into my apartment and shooting me."

I pull out my revolver, and keep the gun pointed down.

Me: "This is the very same gun that gave me the wound. I got it from the drug addict after the gun misfired and blew his hand off."

Their faces twisted in horror, and I could almost see the questions they were about to ask. So I start answering them, before they even get to ask.

Me: "The reason I'm sharing this, is because the reason all these injuries, all these scars, all these nightmares that keep me up at night, is because I put my trust into a group that couldn't cut it."

I bring my shirt back onto my shoulders.

Me: "You can call me cruel, you can call me an asshole, you can call me a dickhead."

I begin buttoning my shirt.

Me: "But you have to see the objective reality, I can't trust any of you."

I finish buttoning up my shirt, before adjusting my collar.

Me: "Knowing all that, tell me Ms. Aley, do I deserve kindness, even if I show you none?"

She nodded without hesitation.

Kai'sa: "Everyone deserves kindness, Y/n."

I tilt my head to the side.

Being The Bigger Man Is Overrated (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now