Chapter 7

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Y/n's Perspective


Me: "Funny how things workout, ey Eve?"

She continued to glare at me.

Evelynn: "Watch your fucking tongue!"

I smirk.

Me: "Easy, keep it down or else the others will hear you."

She glanced at her bedroom door before focusing back on me.

Me: "You didn't tell them about us, I'm hurt Eve."

She stared me down.

Evelynn: "They don't need to know—"

Me: "But they do, Eve. They need to know... What a piece of shit you are."

She sneered.

Evelynn: "Let out a singular peep about us, and I'll spend the rest of my life ruining yours."

I shrug it off.

Me: "I don't care, from my point of view, you have a lot more room to fall than I do."

I snatch her by the collar and pull her forward. Her eyes widened as our faces met.

Me: "They'll find out eventually, wether or not it's from me."

I let her go and dust her shoulders off.

Me: "Don't worry though, I won't tell them, not unless they ask."

I pat her shoulder and smile.

Me: "Bye bye now, babe, I'll see you tomorrow."

She gritted her teeth.

Evelynn: "You little—"

I walk past her, and open her bedroom door. I gave her one last smirk and close her door gently.

Ahri was waiting for me at the front.

She greeted me with a smile.

Ahri: "Hey."

I smile.

Me: "Yes?"

The short one and the one who was in the kitchen walk around the corner.

Ahri: "I hope she didn't say anything too cruel to you..."

I shake my head.

Me: "Don't worry about me, foxy, I'm more than used to dealing with diva's and such."

She leaned back, as the other two grouped up.

Ahri: "Okay... but if she ever goes too far, please tell me, I'll set her straight."

I nod in acceptance.

Me: "Will do, Ahri."

I take a deep breath before making eye contact with her.

Being The Bigger Man Is Overrated (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now