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A/N: The story would be narrated mostly in the third person.

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the city of Veridian. Within the walls, the city bustled with life, with its citizens seeking refuge in the comfort of their homes. On the outskirts, near the imposing gates that protected the kingdom, a small group of watchmen stood vigilant, doing their duty to safeguard the city from any threats.
As the night grew darker, an eerie silence settled upon the gates. Suddenly, a rustling sound echoed through the stillness. The watchmen exchanged uneasy glances, and a sense of foreboding gripped their hearts as they scanned the surrounding darkness.
Then, out of the shadows, emerged a figure. At first glance, it appeared to be an innocent creature, a rabbit with piercing red eyes that seemed to glow with an otherworldly light, licking an unknown substance from its paw. As the watchmen focused their gaze, a chilling feeling rushed them as the rabbit squealed and transformed into the most horrifying thing ever.
It massively increased in size, as its eyes now resemble headlights with their ominous glow, sharp claws, and teeth. The once white coat of the rabbit is now tainted black, and with an extended tail, he grabs a watchman by the neck and smashes him into the ground, with his body in a gruesome position as blood spills from the lifeless body.
The other watchmen quickly ran into the city to call for backup. A long and loud screech was heard outside the gates. The rabbit monster then made its way to the wall and started to climb the wall with its claws, letting out another screech.
Most of the watchmen couldn't do anything but run as the monster leapt into the city. The few that stayed tried to attack the monstrosity, but its movement was swift and agile, filling them with a sense of dread. Its glowing eyes show a hunger for destruction. But it wasn't the rabbit's fault; it appears to have been the influence of a malevolent presence.
The watchtower bell was rung, and more soldiers came for backup. The soldiers came with crossbows and lit their arrows on fire, shooting simultaneously at the monster. It groaned and stepped back in fear of the fire until an arrow was shot at the tail of the monster. The monster screeched in pain as the tail caught fire so quickly.
Then, in a split second, the monster had already been on fire, screeching and writhing in pain. It fell to the ground and continued burning. After the flames died down, The small rabbit lay there with burns all over its body, breathing slowly.
The soldiers surrounded the poor thing. Then they realized dark magic was in play.
Amelia smiled gracefully as she looked around the elegantly adorned room, filled with the soft chatter of noble ladies and the delicate clinking of china. The tea party she had organized at her family's opulent estate was in full swing, a display of her impeccable taste and status as a prominent figure among the aristocracy. Her gown of intricate lace and rich silk accentuated her poise and refinement.
Amelia Hawthorne is the first daughter of Duke and Duchess Hawthorne. An epitome of beauty and grace. Strawberry blonde hair that looks almost golden in the sunlight. Elegant blue eyes and wonderful porcelain skin a rare beauty that men fail to ignore.
Apart from her beauty, she's also a genius, excelling in her studies and being a force to reckon with among nobles like herself. She is constantly complimented and surrounded by people who sing her praises nonstop.
She is even doted upon by her parents; they are always ready to make their precious little flower happy, no matter what.
You can say Amelia Hawthorne has a lovely life. People who worshipped her, parents who doted on her and would do anything to make her happy, and men who endlessly pursued her and sent countless gifts as a declaration of their love
Amelia herself knew she had the life anyone would be envious of; who wouldn't want to be her? She was amazing and had a beauty that could only be on par with a goddess.
The tea party started with another round of compliments and words of admiration.
"Your estate is as beautiful as its owner!"
"Your dress complements your beauty!"
"You look like a goddess just holding that teacup!"
She smiled inwardly, enjoying every single thing they said about her.
'Fufu, I am really that amazing. Somehow I can't get enough of their compliments, even though they don't do justice to the level of my beauty and grace,' she thought as she gently sipped on her tea. Soon they started talking about the latest fashion trends.
Unfortunately, she didn't have that much of a personality.
It was a lively discussion, and Amelia contributed to the discussion by giving a bright smile every time she spoke. But then she noticed a lady at the end of the table looking forlorn, rarely speaking at all.
"Lady Clarissa!" She called to the woman, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Is everything okay?" Amelia didn't care about how Lady Clarissa felt; she just didn't like a dull atmosphere.
"Ah!" Lady Clarissa smiled wistfully. "I am fine; thank you so much for caring!"
"Surely something bothers you!" Amelia smiled at Lady Clarissa, who was incredibly touched by Amelia's 'concern'. She started wailing and bawling her eyes out, which startled everyone at the table.
"Did I do something wrong?" Amelia asked when Lady Clarissa wiped her tears with a handkerchief.
"No!" Clarissa answered, "I am sorry!"
"It appears that the lady doesn't know of Lady Clarissa's predicament!" Lady Sollen, who sat beside Amelia, spoke. Amelia looked at her, confused.
"She just got a divorce from her husband after he confessed to having an affair with her cousin!" Amelia made a small 'o'
"I didn't mean to ruin everyone's good time!" Clarissa cried while everyone consoled her. Amelia felt a pang of jealousy; everyone's attention was shifted from her to Lady Clarissa.
'She is probably faking it!' Amelia thought inwardly. So after an hour of crying and consoling, the party came to a close.
"Lady Amelia!" Lady Clarissa called her, with her eyes puffy and red. "Thank you for caring about me!" She hugged Amelia. Amelia awkwardly hugged her back and watched the women leave.
After they left she heaved a big sigh and went upstairs leaving the servant to clean up after the party. Then she thought about Lady Clarissa and her cheating ex-husband, who simultaneously maintained a relationship with her and her cousin. How despicable!
A woman of the same build and matching hair colour stepped out of Amelia's room.
"Maddie!" Amelia called out to her sister and sprinted to hug her. Maddie shifted uncomfortably into the arms of her sister.
Madeline Hawthorne is the younger twin of Amelia. While they shared similar hair colours, Madeline had less striking brown eyes and didn't possess the same level of beauty as her sister, despite being twins.

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