Chapter - 51

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"I hate you, Gabriel Lee Miller

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"I hate you, Gabriel Lee Miller."

That's what she last said to me before she ran out of the now-ended party.

Her face.

It broke me.

I could see that she was hurt. So goddamn hurt. And I am the one who hurt her. Again. Even after promising her that I won't. That I would protect her from everything and everyone. That I would cushion her every fall. But I forgot about who would protect her from me, a Lucifer wrapped in human skin who is ruling the burning hell, but subjecting Lilith, the angelic soul disguised as human to its scorching fire.

God, I hate myself too. She is right to hate me. I don't deserve her or her love. I fucking don't even deserve to love her myself.

I am acquainted to all of this. But as she runs out, crying her heart out. I can't help but rush to follow her, even if it's back to hell she would take me to. "Ahana..."

But someone lodges themselves in front of me, impeding me. I look down to see who would dare do this, who has a death wish.

It's Iris.

It's true she is my fiancée.

But only because of the deal my father made with Atlantis Corporation. A merger of our companies, sealed by a marriage between his son and their daughter. But I never agreed to it. And I never planned to marry her either. I would've found a plan to get out of the deal.

I should've told Ahana. If I would've, then maybe she'd be here now, instead of Iris.

"Get out of my way." I seethe at her.

She raises her eyebrow. "No. She is no one. No need to go after her like a lost puppy."

"You are the one who is no one. She is everything to me." Not wanting to engage further I stalk out.

I look around to espy her. She is nowhere. She must have come to this party in her car, but her car isn't here either. "Fuck!", I growl.

I jog up to my car and decide to go straight to her home. As I sit in my car, I see my friends coming up to me but I am already out on the road. I can't wait for them or give them any explanation. I need to get to her and apologize on my knees and ask for her forgiveness, if that's what it would take.

It's hard to drive in this heavy rain. And that only increases my worry because by the looks of her, she was in no state to drive. I hope she is okay and reaches home safe.

I hit the steering wheel, growling in frustration, a repeated number of times. But the busy streets of the Arlington city in this rain have their own plans for me tonight, as they don't let me reach her, not fast enough, not as fast as I would like.

When I finally reach her home, her car is parked haphazardly on the road side. But what I see when I look at her house horrifies me. It makes my knees go weak and I can hardly walk.

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